OC May Chapter Learning Event: Knowledge Sharing ~ What TD Leaders Must Do & Why We Must Do It Now

  • 05/27/2015
  • 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM
  • DoubleTree Club Hotel, 7 Hutton Centre Dr., Santa Ana, CA


  • Register by noon on the Monday before the meeting to receive the early registration rate. NOTE: Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • You must be a member of ATD-LA, ATD-SD, ATD-IE ISPI-OC or ISPI-LA to be eligible for this rate. (If you are a member of ATD-OC DO NOT Register under this category. Please login and register as a member.)
  • You must be a member of ATD-LA, ATD-SD, ATD-IE ISPI-OC or ISPI-LA to be eligible for this rate.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins.
  • Early registration rate ends at midnight the Tuesday before the meeting.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins.

If you are member of ATD-OC, please be sure to login and register as an ATD-OC Member. If that option is still not available after you login, please call the office. DO NOT bypass and register as an affiliate. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Pre-registration is now closed, but we welcome all walkins.

Change in Presenter: We were looking forward to the presentation by Devon; however, due to unexpected circumstances, she will not be presenting. We are fortunate to welcome Jeffrey Hansler, ATD-OC President-Elect, who will present the speaker's materials. See you at the meeting!

Earlybird rates have been extended thru Tuesday, due to the Monday holiday.

If you are member of ATD-OC, please be sure to login and register as an ATD-OC Member. If that option is still not available after you login, please call the office. DO NOT bypass and register as an affiliate. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

A generational change is occurring in today’s workplace. Approximately 70 million Boomers are due to retire over the next 15 years. Is your organization prepared to lose its intellectual capital? According to the American Productivity & Quality Center, organizations are vulnerable when it comes to passing their critical know-how from one workplace generation to the next. T

Many of us have a nagging feeling that we and our leaders should be doing something about the critical knowledge and skills that walk out the door with every retirement or departure. But what? The daily reality is that most leaders and companies don’t have the resources to engage in formal knowledge management.

Join us to answer our call to action as catalysts for knowledge sharing and collaboration. In this interactive session, we will take a practical look at knowledge sharing, and learn what we can do as talent development professionals to inform and guide our organizations.

  • The Business Case - learn three demographic truths and what they mean
  • Risk & Reward - use a job aid to assess the risk of lost expertise to your organization
  • Actions - explore how to’s for creating a culture of teaching and learning


About the Presenter: 

Devon Scheef, Co-Founder of The Learning Café, will share her expertise in workplace knowledge sharing. The Learning Café was tapped for the PBS/AARP televised program “The Brain Drain” and their work has been cited in over 80 publications and a college textbook.

Devon Scheef is a specialist who creates fast, flexible, practical solutions for talent development to grow leaders, knowledge share, and bridge the generation gap at work. She is a visit workforce experts for the website eHow. She is the co-author of Mentoring: A How-To Guide, published by the American Society for Training & Development.  She is the author of The Personal Learning Model, a unique approach to bolstering on-the-job learning capacity.

Devon holds an Executive MBA from the University of Southern California and undergraduate degrees in psychology, religious studies and business.  She is qualified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), FIRO-B and a variety of assessment tools, including 360 degree feedback.

Her clients span 100+ organizations and a dozen industries. Currently, we are actively working with AIG, Novo Nordisk, Parker Aerospace, Alliance Data, Experian and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.



6:00 PM   Registration & Doors Open~Informal Networking

6:20 PM   Welcome, Structured Networking Activity

7:00 PM   Dinner

7:15 PM   Keynote Speaker

8:15 PM   Adjourn

This topic aligns with ATD competencies of: Knowledge Management.
To find out more about the ASTD Competency Model for the Training and Development Profession, visit http://www.astd.org/Certification/Competency-Model.

Take your knowledge to a new level and get access to exclusive info about the Competency Model for ASTD National members by becoming a Power Member (member of the Orange County Chapter and National). Find out more here.

About Registration:

Earlybird registration ends at noon on the Monday before the meeting.

For evening meetings: Pre-registration closes at noon on the day of the meeting, but walkins are welcome.

For lunch meetings: Pre-registration closes at noon on the day before the meeting, but walkins are welcome.

Cancellation/refund deadline is noon on the Monday before the meeting. No shows will be charged in full.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to ocoffice@atdoc.org outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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