What’s Your Career Plan for 2013?

01/31/2013 5:05 PM | Kathleen Ashelford
January and February always pass so quickly I wish they could each be two months long. The first weeks of every year seem so full of possibility, promise, and a special energy that cries out to be grabbed like a brass ring, and laser-focused on whatever goal or cause lights a fire inside you.

Are you on fire for your career? Do you know where you want to be by January 2014? What is your plan to get there? My 2013 plan includes many of last year’s most valuable elements, plus a few new ones:

1. Take at least two courses from a university or professional association. 
Last year, I took both of ASTD Orange County’s signature courses, “Total Trainer” and “Powerful Presentation Skills.” The instruction from recognized leaders in Southern California’s L&D community vastly increased my knowledge of best practices. Also, I learned a lot from dozens of other professionals who comprised my classmates. Tuition for these courses was a substantial investment, but worth it – and I received a discount on each through my chapter membership. 

2. Investigate the CPLP Certification.
For years, I’ve heard of the CPLP, but didn’t know much about it. Since ASTD Orange County launched its CPLP Certification Program last year, it’s time to consider whether it’s an investment worth making now. For chapter members, participating in the CPLP Study Group is free. 

3. Build proficiency with E-Learning tools. 
I have a lot of ideas for creating online courses, but need more skill. Last year, I took a class in E-Learning Instructional Design Tools through the certificate program in E-Learning at University of California, Irvine – and received a 10% discount on tuition as an ASTD-OC member. This year, I joined the chapter’s “Technology Tidbits” Special Interest Group (SIG). It features both online and live sessions on topics such as Captivate, Learning Management Systems, and many others. Attendance for chapter members is free.

4. Meet more professionals within my chosen specialty. 
That means showing up more often for the “Organizational Development” SIG. Also, I’ve joined our newest SIG, “Trainers.” Again, attendance at all SIGs is free to chapter members.

5. Give back to the profession and build a network through volunteering. 
There is no better way to form the kind of professional relationships that make a difference in your career. This year, I serve my second term on the Board – and before that, volunteered on two of the chapter’s many program teams. I’ve come to know talented practitioners passionate about their work, and seen first-hand how they are ready to help anyone who needs advice, coaching, or other form of support. 

6. Be more educated and aware overall about the latest trends in the profession. 
I’ve been an ASTD National member for a couple of years. This year, I’m committed to more than paying dues and reading T&D Magazine. While taking the time recently to explore National’s website, I discovered a wealth of tools and other resources – of which I’ve been shortchanging myself by not using! The cost of the two memberships combined are a bargain.

What’s your career development plan for 2013? I hope it includes making the most of any or all of your professional memberships, including ASTD. Professional dues make a great tax deduction, but they don’t benefit you otherwise unless you use them to the fullest. How will you get the most from your membership this year? January is over: one month down, eleven to go. Another year will pass before we know it!

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