September SIG Meetups

08/30/2011 1:12 PM | Deleted user
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Career Management SIG: Building your Training Portfolio
When:  Sept 10, 2011 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: Brandman University, 16355 Laguna Canyon Rd., Irvine, CA, Room 120
Contact : Christine Kelly,

This meetup will help training professionals who are looking to polish their portfolio and skills as well as those in transition and looking for their next opportunity.

Training and Technology SIG: Training in the Electronic Age
When: Sep 13, 2011  4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Escoe Bliss Professional Resources, 16520 Bake Parkway, Suite #155, Irvine, CA 92618.   **If you can't make the session live, register to attend virtually.
Contact : Pamela Coca,

Speaker: Michael Hamilton - VP, Product Management- Madcap Software
In this presentation Mr. Hamilton will identify the equipment necessary to produce a professional broadcast experience or recording. The benefits, drawbacks, and differences between live screen-casting / web conferencing vs. recorded electronic training will be explored. Mike will share a collection of “lessons learned” and best practices to help the new online instructor avoid the typical beginner mistakes and look like a screen-casting professional right from the start.
When SMART Goals Aren't Enough -- OD SIG Meetup
When: Sep 13, 2011 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: Brandman University, 16355 Laguna Canyon Rd., Irvine

We are pleased to announce Tom Porter, Director of Human Resources for Kawasaki.  The title of his presentation is "When Smart Goals Aren't Enough".  You will find out how Tom and his team improved the goal setting process to ensure alignment across the organization.

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