Introducing Kathleen Sedwick, SIG Liaison

10/11/2011 6:52 PM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)

A little over a month ago, Kathleen Sedwick (pictured, right) filled out ASTD-OC's online Volunteer Interest Form.  "I am a mid-life career changer (former teacher with an M.Ed.) and have been in graduate school earning an MBA with an HR concentration since last June, 2010." she shared.  "I had lunch with Janet DiVicenzo a few weeks ago ... and she suggested getting more involved with ASTD-OC and volunteering to work with the chapter." Kathie and I subsequently exchanged emails in an attempt to connect, with little success until we both attended a Career Management SIG Meetup.

We took the opportunity to meet right then and there. I learned that as a teacher, it was the areas of instructional design and educational technology that Kathie found most interesting and satisfying. During that time, she saw the need for more well-designed, engaging, effective, research-based instruction utilizing today's technology in both education and training and development. Recognizing that this is the direction she wanted to take her career, Kathie sought out opportunities to develop those skills. Along the way, she found ASTD-Orange County.

"ASTD-OC has provided invaluable benefits to me through its SIG groups, Learning Events, and networking opportunities," Kathie shared with me. "I decided I wanted to be more involved in the organization for the opportunities in my own personal and professional development, to further develop my skills in communications and social media, and to expand my network."

One member benefit that Kathie has taken great advantage of: our Special Interest Groups (SIGs).  At the time of our meeting, she had been to both OD SIG and Career Management SIG Meetups for the month. She was looking forward to the Technology and Training SIG Meetup the following week.

The role of SIG Liaison seemed tailor-made for her.

This role interacts with Special Interest Group leaders to identify what they'll be doing in upcoming months, and ensures that the information is:

  • placed on the website
  • published in our eNewsletter, SIGnificant Information
  • spread through our social media sites

Kathie's position will ensure that she collaborates with the SIG, Communications, and CTO functions, and sometimes Marketing.

This position appealed to Kathie for a few reasons:

  • It's relatively low-impact -- the busy work involves little time out of the month.
  • It networks her with a broad group of individuals.
  • It allows her to develop her skills in communications and social media.
  • It plays to her strengths while allowing her to identify what further positions are available within the Chapter in which she could develop further.

Kathie sees herself assuming a leadership role within the organization and contributing to ASTD-OC's growth and presence in our local communities.
"I believe that, as an organization, ASTD-OC must continue to promote T&D as an integral and essential component of strategic planning for businesses and support the professional development of its members."

Welcome, Kathie Sedwick! We look forward to great things!

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