Membership and the Power of Community

11/01/2011 4:36 PM | Rhonda Askeland

I attended the ASTD Chapter Leaders’ Conference a few weeks ago and shared the ASTD-OC motto, “Come for the content. . . stay for the community” with fellow chapter leaders.  All were very impressed – it may even show up as a motto for other chapters.  The reason I mention this is that we have a very strong community where people are able to gain many benefits from being a member.

When you go to our Membership tab and look at the benefits, you see quite a number of events and offerings.  Yet, the power of those events and offerings that the community gains aren’t always clear.  A few highlights:

  • This year we showed a commitment to our chapter membership with a new website that meets our member needs for registration and membership renewal. That was a significant change for our chapter, and now makes it easy to become/continue as a member, search information, see a quick glance of upcoming events, scan community posts to our blog, and find a trainer with ease, just to name a few of the changes.
  • Opportunities for professional development in small, local venues prompt discussions between ASTD-Orange County members and industry experts. Our Monthly Learning Events expose you to new skills, or techniques that you just haven't tried yet.  Continuing Development provides structured learning opportunities like the Training Institute workshops and Mentoring.
  • The Career Management SIG was re-established, expanding the audience of our Technology and Training SIG with the establishment of virtual meetings held in conjunction with the live meetings.  In conjunction with the OD SIG, our members are able to connect with content that meets their particular needs across a broad range of interest and skills.
  • We partnered with Brandman University to support our Continuing Development initiatives, and our efforts with UCI resulted in an eLearning Certificate course that we've been promoting. Our partnerships have given the Orange County community a broader awareness of what ASTD-OC Continuing Development has to offer.
  • 12 OC Learning Events were held with a variety of topics ranging from Organizational Accountability to Visual Communication for Trainers, each with its own structured networking opportunity.  The monthly learning event continues to add new members to our community and give our members content that they can apply immediately.
  • The Chapter Job Board offers members an inside track to jobs that may not be listed elsewhere.  There are a wide range of jobs, ranging from Training Specialists, eLearning Developers to Senior Training Manager positions.
  • This year Past-President Anthony Harmetz and Karen Wales started the Training Management Meet Up (TMMU) that is specifically for anyone in a training management role inside an organization.  The TMMU provides an opportunity to network, share insights, build on ideas that help training managers lead the learning function.  The response has been great and we can’t wait to see what happens in 2012.
  • Our Find-a-Trainer feature helps members connect with other workplace learning and performance professionals of specific expertise/specialty. 

Henry Ford said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.  We have a community that continues to build success by working together.  We’re proud that ASTD-OC provides high value to its members and has helped many people connect through the power of community.

Rhonda Askeland

President-elect, 2011

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