Planning ASTD-OC Work. Working the ASTD-OC Plan.

02/07/2012 11:51 AM | Rhonda Askeland

ASTD-OC has kicked-off the new year and we’ve been busy creating and putting plans in place. We have an energetic and dedicated leadership team strategizing and implementing chapter plans.  You can check out the leadership team org chart under the About Us tab. The leadership team continues to work on the six strategic imperatives defined in 2011 to guide our action and goals. Our imperatives:

  1. Enhance Operational Infrastructure
  2. Plan and Execute Leadership Succession
  3. Plan for Financial Sustainability
  4. Plan for Leveraging Technology
  5. Plan for Membership Benefits
  6. Plan, Retain & Increase Membership
We started the year with a big bang – a successful monthly learning event that saw an overflowing room of more than sixty-five people learn the “The Top Ten Neuro-Keys to Unlocking Learning Agility and Making Training Stick” with Aparna Suresh.  A big part of successful monthly events is in the planning.  The chapter is supporting learning agility with numerous offerings getting ready to launch.  Two of the most popular coming this spring:  Total Trainer, kicking-off in April and Tom Kuhlman has agreed to present the latest in e-learning for a May workshop. Monthly learning and SIG events are planned for the quarter with sights on Q2 topics and presenters.

Plans also include opportunities for members to participate in a variety of learning events, including SIG events, chapter and national workshops, webinars, and social media. Right now, members have an opportunity to attend a complimentary ASTD Certificate Program in April – look for information on our website.  Various mediums provide members with access to board meeting minutes, follow-up chapter learning event/speaker information, LinkedIn discussion boards, OrangeSpiehl Online, Timely Information, SIGnificant News, blogs (like this), and daily Tweets and Facebook messages. 

Yes, planning is a big part of any new year and we have a number of plans in the works. We are always open to hearing from the chapter and I invite you to let us know how we’re doing.  Please share your ideas on learning event topic suggestions, how we can support you and the training and development community, and how we communicate with you – how you like to get information, what you’d like to change.  We’d love to hear from you!  Contact me at


Rhonda Askeland

ASTD-OC, 2012 Chapter President

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