Benefits of Membership

03/19/2012 10:43 AM | Deleted user

Why should you recommend joining ASTD-OC to your colleagues and friends?

Well, here are some of the benefits our members enjoy:

Numerous opportunities for professional development, informative Monthly Learning Events, SIGS for Organizational Development, Technical Training, and Career Management.  How about our special annual programs - Total Trainer and Powerful Presentation Skills?  Not to mention incredible workshops like the upcoming Tom Kuhlmann event! All of these are opportunities to network and make new friends!  And don't forget, we have plenty of ways you can voluteer and make a positive difference!

Oh, almost forgot..........

How about opportunities to win prizes like our ASTD Certificate workshops?  Congratulations to Edna Davoudi, our March 1st winner who selected a design certificate program valued at $1,795!

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