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Leadership 101, 201, and 301
05/21/2012 9:52 AM
Paul Venderley
ASTD-OC is that leadership lab you've been looking for.
It's a community of practice for DISC, Myers-Briggs, black hats and blue pens. For breaking all the rules and discovering your strengths. It's a petri dish of leadership theories and styles all mixed together because hey! this isn't science as much as it's life.
I bring this up having read an article on the
6 Habits of Memorable People
and a companion post,
6 Ways Successful People Stand Out
. Each article suggests that as we spend our days working towards some definition of success, we're not being memorable.
Being a person that other people remember
-- our peers, our bosses, that person you just networked with --
requires stepping outside the cubicle
, so to speak, and
things rather than reading and talking about them.
Take a walk through the ASTD-OC community. You'll meet someone who is developing a recognition program. There's an onboarding program in its infancy. Here are project managers dipping their brains into web design. Over there is a leader in training who managed a failed project, explored the lessons learned from the failure, and went on to plan and manager bigger and better projects, both for ASTD-OC and for work. And let's not forget this gregarious fellow, whose smile is as broad as the support he's willing to give to anyone who asks for it.
If you're a person seeking an opportunity to stand out in your organization, trying doing so outside its box. Try doing so here.
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