Special Interest Group Content

Training and Technology (T&T) SIG

Through a 2023 survey, the multinational professional services network KPMG International determined that business leaders believe the top three emerging technologies that will have the biggest impact on their business over the next year will be:

  • Generative AI
  • 5G
  • Augmented Reality
The Training and Technology Special Interest Group will be tackling two of those technologies in 2025.

Upcoming events

However, at our heart, we're focused on training solutions that can be applied to the bulk of the organizations with which we work. 

ATD's 2023 State of the Industry report finds that while AI has been making some inroads into the technologies applied to support learning, the bulk of the technology-based learning methods applied were with podcasts and videos.  Simulations and scenario-based learning were a close second.

When looking to the future, the same State of the Industry report shares that respondents believed their L&D budget would remain the same.  

from ATD National State of the Industry - 2023
(available for free to Power Members)

With that in mind, our agenda will be to continue to meet our members where they are: with a budget that dictates: "Free is good," but an industry that looks to us to push the boundaries.

It's an exciting time to be a talent developer! Technology continues to change the learning landscape. It seems new tools and resources emerge monthly to improve upon, replace, or (sometimes) complicate the stuff we're familiar with.

This SIG is devoted to exploring accessible technological training solutions that impacts the talent development industry. The Training and Technology SIG intends to provide both opportunity to:

  • learn about the technologies that drive both eLearning and mLearning
  • share among peers the lessons learned for eLearning implementation

Resources We Use

The resources that we've curated below are not new. But they are free (or low-cost), and we've used them as we've developed our training content. Take a look! There may be something you can add to your training toolkit.

Note: we plan to update this list after our July event.

Where You Can Find Us Now

* We tend to take a hiatus approximately every two years, just to keep us on our toes.

Meet our T & T SIG Leader, Safoura Seddighin

Safoura Seddighin is a passionate learning designer and EdTech specialist with a background in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Human Development.

Driven to create meaningful and engaging learning experiences, she has spent over a decade designing innovative learning and training solutions that blend technology with hands-on learning, to entertain the notion of "Hard Fun," a manifesto proposed by Seymour Papert, the father of constructionist learning.

As the leader of the Training and Technology SIG, Safoura is dedicated to exploring a variety of learning experiences that empower professionals to experiment, build, bridge the gaps, and discover new ways to integrate tools, trends and strategies into their areas of expertise in learning and development.  

Learn  more about our group:

We've recorded the first two of our webinars.  Check them out and see if this group is right for you.

  • Introduction Webinar
    We discuss the plan and our expectations for SIG Group Members. 

  • Design Methodologies Webinar
    We tap into the experiences of our community to discuss different instructional design methodologies applied when creating eLearning.

  • Selecting the Right Authorware
    In the Training and Technology SIG's June session, we determined that all things being equal, authorware selection can be based on personal preference. Something you can accomplish in Captivate you can most likely accomplish in Storyline, and vice versa. But it's very seldom that all things are equal, so we consider the following: Learn more.

Member Conversations

  • This group is open to ATD Orange County Members only. To participate in our discussion, please log in.

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