2-Day Workshop: Crucial Conversations ~ Tools for Talking WHEN STAKES ARE HIGH

  • 09/25/2014
  • 8:00 AM
  • 09/26/2014
  • 5:00 PM
  • National Oilwell Varco 743 N. Eckhoff St. Orange, CA 92868
  • 30


  • Only other ASTD-OC members can be registered at this rate.
  • Rate applies to chapter members of ASTD-Los Angeles or ASTD-San Diego. Membership will be verified with the chapter you designate as your affiliate.
  • Includes 1year of new ASTD-OC membership.

We are sorry, but this event has been postponed.

Why is this workshop of huge benefit to me?  No matter what your training and development role, you will often need to effectively manage crucial conversations.  Your ability to anticipate these often-emotional interactions, and employ techniques to ensure that these conversations are effective and results-oriented will set you apart.

 How do you currently approach your “crucial conversations”? Do you skip asking tough questions to avoid challenging responses? Do you have trouble being direct when you need to say “no” to a manager’s request? Do you hesitate advising a client that their resolution to an issue may require more than training?

Have you found it difficult to be direct in one-on-one conversations such as:

  • Letting a client know that requirements are out of scope
  • Telling a manager deadlines and expectations are unreasonable
  • Informing a stakeholder that a project deadline is at risk
  • Coaching an underperforming employee

This highly interactive and participative Crucial Conversations workshop teaches you how to speak and be heard, and help others feel safe enough to do the same, in order to surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on decisions with unity and commitment.

Develop skills that can help you improve how you communicate during:

  • The training needs assessment process
  • Stakeholder meetings
  • Project team meetings
  • Performance improvement discussions

Attend this 2-day workshop to learn how to create alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue across all levels of an organization.

Crucial Conversations teaches participants how to:

  • Speak persuasively, not abrasively
  • Foster teamwork and better decision making
  • Build acceptance rather than resistance
  • Resolve individual and group disagreements

All participants will receive:

  • Crucial Conversations Participant
  • Toolkit (157-page training workbook)
  • Cue cards and model card
  • A copy of Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High
  • Crucial Conversations Audio Companion
  • A course completion certificate
  • Post-training participant website: videos, exercises, assessments, additional reading, and more (www.ChangeAnything.com)
VitalSmarts is an Authorized Provider through the International Association for Continuing Education and Training and participants may receive continuing IACET credits by completing this workshop.
Check out this short video on how Crucial Conversation can help:

Your Crucial Conversation Facilitators:

Brittney Bulger, Former Training Specialist at VitalSmarts; she has worked closely with corporate leaders to provide support to over 7500 certified trainers.  Her passion for this topic has earned her accolades for her charismatic presentation style and ability to connect with and motivate participants to achieve their goals.

Christopher Veal: A Co-Active Coach and OD professional, Christopher has been applying his passion for helping others learn and grow in a variety of settings for more than 20 years. He creates an engaging and interactive learning experience that enables participants to integrate these life-changing Crucial Conversations skills.

This exciting workshop takes place on September 25th and 26th at National Oilwell Varco in Orange. Registration is $400 for ASTD-OC members (includes LA and San Diego affiliates--affiliations will be verified);  $499 for non ASTD members. As an additional perk, the workshop price for non-ASTD members INCLUDES a one-year membership to the ASTD-OC chapter. That’s a $100 value!

Note:  registration is limited to just 30 participants so enroll now!

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ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to ocoffice@atdoc.org outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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