OC October Chapter Learning Event: Does Your Thinking Limit Your Success?

  • 10/22/2014
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • DoubleTree Club Hotel, 7 Hutton Centre Dr., Santa Ana, CA


  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • Register by noon on the Monday before the meeting to receive the early registration rate. NOTE: Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For members of ASTD-LA, ASTD-SD, ASTD-IE ISPI-OC and ISPI-LA
  • For members of ASTD-LA, ASTD-SD, ASTD-IE ISPI-OC and ISPI-LA
  • Early registration rate ends at noon on Monday before the meeting. Non-members can only register other non-members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Non-members can only register other non-members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • Early registration rate ends at noon the Monday before the meeting. NOTE: Students can only register other Students under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Students can only register other Students under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.

Pre-registration is now closed, but we welcome walkins at the door.

You enjoy learning more about yourself, right? And of course, you want to make better choices that lead to a happier, more productive life. Don’t we all?

Still, doesn’t it seem as if sometimes we are the very person "stopping us from achieving what we want?"

Heather Pich’s presentation “Does your thinking limit your success?” is about aligning your thoughts to achieve success.

In this presentation, Heather shows you, through exercises, how your thought process affects what you do--or don’t do--everyday. She will help you discover the direct correlation between your thoughts and your results.

She will help you see the opportunities right in front of you.

Your mindset and what you’re thinking directly impact the actions you take in your professional and personal life. Your thinking affects conversations with staff, clients, and when you conduct training or coaching.  

Participant takeaways include:

  • Fuller understanding of how assumptions impact the quality of your life, the quantity of money, and the success you experience
  • Better understanding how the mind works and ways to use it to your  advantage
  • Tools you can use to destroy current limitations and get the results you want

Heather Pich is excited to apply her thoughts to two questions for you:

  • How can I help you become the best you can be? 
  • How can I serve you today for your future?

At the end of this presentation, you will better understand how your reasons, excuses and justifications, which have prevented you from experiencing all the results you wanted in your business or personal life, can be trained.

Come prepared to challenge how you think about things.

After all, “to get what we never got, we have to think like we never thought!”

About the Speaker:

As a presenter/trainer of Productive Learning, based in Capistrano Beach, Heather Pich helps others become successful at their business in sales, client services and client solutions.
Her new book, Bookings When You Have No Bookings: Direct Sales/Network Marketing and Beyond, just became an Amazon #1 bestselling book.

As mentor and trainer, she works with individuals and large companies, motivating others to live the life they truly desire. Prior to starting with Productive Learning, Heather was a manager, mentor, sales representative, and trainer for ten years with Silpada Designs. She was featured in Empowering Women Magazine in 2010, was a top 10 national recruiter, and a winner of their Legacy Award.

Contact Heather at Heather@productivelearning.com and through the website at www.productivelearning.com

This topic aligns with ASTD competencies of:


Change Management


Performance Improvement

Knowledge Management


Instructional Design




Training Delivery


Integrated Talent Management


Learning Technologies


Managing Learning Programs


Evaluating Learning Impact

To find out more about the ASTD Competency Model for the Training and Development Profession, visit http://www.astd.org/Certification/Competency-Model.

Take your knowledge to a new level and get access to exclusive info about the Competency Model for ASTD National members by becoming a Power Member (member of the Orange County Chapter and National). Find out more here.

About Registration:

Earlybird registration ends at noon on the Monday before the meeting.

For evening meetings: Pre-registration closes at noon on the day of the meeting, but walkins are welcome.

For lunch meetings: Pre-registration closes at noon on the day before the meeting, but walkins are welcome.

Cancellation/refund deadline is noon on the Monday before the meeting. No shows will be charged in full.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to ocoffice@atdoc.org outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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