Trainers' SIG ~ Behind Enemy Lines: Communicating With a Hostile Audience

  • 03/20/2015
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Webster University, 32 Discovery, Irvine CA 92618
  • 13


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It happens to every trainer, every facilitator, every presenter, and it throws us every time. Someone in the class challenges us; someone asks an aggressive or uncomfortable question; someone demonstrates a strong desire to be somewhere else. As trainers or presenters, we want to be able to handle these situations with confidence and professionalism.

What’s the best approach when we work with a hostile audience, or even just a less-than-receptive group? How do we accomplish the goal of our training or presentation when the audience may be opposed to that goal, or suspicious of us as presenters?

On March 20, 2015, the Trainers SIG presents, "Persuading a Hostile Audience." We'll talk about strategies for getting hostile members of an audience to listen, learn, and even (sometimes) agree with your presentation. We'll practice useful techniques in this interactive program, and you will come away with solid strategies for working with a less-than-receptive audience. 

Your Facilitator

Margaret Connery is Director of Training and Development for Hanley Wood, facilitating classroom and internet-based training to employees and managers across the country. With a background in public education, management, and human resources, she's presented training and led meetings for hundreds of groups, and not all of them have been friendly.

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