Trainers' SIG ~ Drawing While Training

  • 03/18/2016
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Webster University, 32 Discovery, Irvine CA 92618
  • 9


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Trainers know that visual aids help the people they train pay more attention, grasp information better, and hold onto it longer, so most of us find photos, pictures, posters, cartoons, and other visuals to include in our sessions.  And that’s a good thing.

But do we also draw when we are training? And is there an advantage to drawing while training over simply showing a photo or other pre-developed image? The answer is: there often is an added benefit to drawing while training. When a presenter is drawing pictures to illustrate points, there’s an excitement in the room—and engagement, comprehension, and retention increase dramatically.

And graphic facilitation is easy.  You don’t need to be an artist to draw while training. Stick figures work just as well as works of art. Come to this highly interactive workshop and: 

  • Learn a few simple basics to help you communicate complicated concepts in a more accessible way
  • Observe two facilitators demonstrate a session with lots of graphic facilitation
  • Practice taking a concept of your own and creating at least one graphic representation to include in your future classes

Things to Bring: Bring a few colored pens and a concept you train on that you’d like to create a graphic representation of.  Or at least think about a can decide what concept you’ll create a graphic representation of at the session. if one doesn’t occur to you beforehand. Paper will be provided.

About Our Presenters:

Dr. Cynthia Boccara, a chiropractor for over 25 years, uses brain and body-based connections to help individuals and organizations improve their communications, be more productive, and cultivate innovative thinking. Dr. Cynthia has shared her insights with companies such as Citibank, Dell Software, and Taylor Design, and regularly presents at conferences on Executive Presence and Leadership.

Rhonda Askeland, President and Chief Results Strategist at AskRhon Consulting, is passionate about helping organizations achieve their goals through their people and leverage their human capital for improved business performance.  She has focused her career around transforming human performance through facilitating, coaching, and learning

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