BizSIG ~ VIRTUAL: Changing Role of Business Schools in Leadership Development: Meeting the changing needs of executives and organizations

  • 06/13/2016
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (PDT)
  • Access information provided in the registration confirmation email
  • 28


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Changing Role of Business Schools in Leadership Development: Meeting the changing needs of executives and organizations

Click here for the Onsite Session

For over 100 years, Harvard Business School has been one of the world’s leading schools of business administration, but like every other business school, Harvard must change to respond to the changing needs of individual executives and global businesses.  In the past few years, Harvard has made significant changes to its MBA program, adding a new focus on “field method” learning, while retaining the case method at the core of the program, and refusing to reduce the length of the program (two years) or offer a non-residential “executive MBA.”  As HBS invests heavily in expanding its online learning offerings through Harvard Business Publishing and “HBX Live,” the School has invested even more in expanding and renewing its campus facilities in Boston. 

Dr. Dowd will share his views on market forces driving change in executive education, considering both open enrollment programs and custom programs.

Dr. Dowd will be presenting virtually from Boston, MA.

About our Presenter: James J. Dowd, Senior Fellow, Managing Director, Executive Education

James J. Dowd is Senior Fellow in Executive Education at Harvard Business School, a faculty appointment he has held since 2004.  In that role, he works closely with CEOs, CHROs, and their teams to design and deliver custom executive education programs.  In addition to teaching leadership and change, he typically serves as faculty chair in these programs, engaging faculty colleagues with relevant expertise to join the program team, and coordinating overall program delivery.

From 1994 to 2004 Jim Dowd was Professor of Organizational Behavior at IMD, a leading institute for executive education located in Lausanne, Switzerland.  For five years he was a member of IMD’s Management Committee with responsibility for the portfolio of custom-designed partnership programs.  From 1994 to 1999 he directed IMD’s open enrollment program Mobilizing People, focusing on leadership and teamwork. 

As a consultant, Jim Dowd has worked closely with top executive teams in international companies in organizational change and development, advising in processes of executive team-building and large-scale organizational change over several years. On an individual level, he also works with senior executives managing major career transitions and developing new leadership behaviors to fit changing role requirements. He designs and facilitates senior management team-building programs as well as executive education programs addressing the behavioral implications of major strategic and cultural change.

Before joining IMD in 1994, Jim Dowd was a member of the faculty at the University of Virginia, teaching management and organizational behavior courses at both the McIntire School of Commerce and the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.  He received several university-wide teaching awards at Virginia, and he was similarly recognized for outstanding teaching as a Teaching Fellow at Harvard College.  

Jim Dowd earned an undergraduate degree in English and American Literature and Language at Harvard College.  He later earned an MBA and a Doctorate of Business Administration degree at Harvard Business School, specializing in organizational behavior.

Full BizSIG Agenda:

10:00 to 10:45    TBD

10:45 to 11:00    BREAK

11:00 to 12:00    Changing Role of Business Schools in Leadership Development: Meeting the changing needs of executives and organizations

12:00 to 1:00      Networking Session

Register now for the BizSIG. At this time, there are only 30 onsite seats available and 30 virtual seats available for this program.

Event pricing….

There is always event pricing for the BizSIG. Part of the money supports the chapter, part is compensation for our speakers, and part is used for special equipment.

  • BizSIG members: $10 (you must be logged in and use your special BizSIG code to access this rate)
  • ATD-OC members and affiliates: $20
  • Non-members: $35

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