Trainers' SIG ~ Q & A: An Opportunity to Shine

  • 07/15/2016
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Webster University, 32 Discovery, Irvine CA 92618
  • 25


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Sometimes the Trainers’ SIG focuses on giant, overarching topics like “Facilitating Learning” or “Making Training Stick.”  At other times, we focus on niche topics, thinly sliced skills, the kind that participants don’t even notice are skills but which nevertheless make a big difference to the classroom experience.

July’s session will be about one of those narrower topics:  the moments during training when learners ask the trainer questions. 

While you may not have considered it before, this topic is worth the hard focus.  Think about it and you may remember times when a trainer did a great job with the pre-planned part of the session but fell apart when the questions started, rambling, repeating or confusing, misunderstanding the question, losing the attention of the group, missing questions from audience members, and more.   

At our July session, we’ll cover a format for—and practice the skills involved in—responding to questions clearly, concisely, and powerfully in a way that will be interesting to everyone in the room, not just the question asker.

And we’ll cover a few other Q&A topics too, things like:

  • Managing the room when the questions come flying...
  • Getting questions from the group when they don’t...
  • And gracefully managing the length of the Q&A portion of your show

Approximately 10% of many training sessions is devoted to answering participants’ questions. Come to this session to hone your Q&A skills like you’ve honed so many other aspects of your training.

Our Facilitator

Anthony Harmetz is a long-time ATD-OC volunteer and a chapter Past President. Anthony spent 13 years establishing and leading the training function at Bally Total Fitness, at the time a major services sector corporation.  He is now a training consultant helping organizations with their training design, development, delivery and implementation needs.

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We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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