Workshop: Improvisation for Talent Development Professionals

  • 10/20/2016
  • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Back Bay Conference Center, 3415 Michelson Drive, Irvine, California 92612
  • 9


  • Includes Members of ATD, ATD chapters, ISPI, PIHRA, SHRM and NHRA

Registration is closed
Improv in business?

Yes, and it’s as beneficial as it is fun to learn!

A growing number of forward-thinking companies are training their employees in the same mental agility skills that enable a team of improvisational performers to create an unscripted scene on stage.

Bob and Lee from Advantage Improv employ the techniques used for decades by these performers who must work within predetermined parameters, just as talent development professionals do on a daily basis.

Techniques that will be covered:

  • Active listening
  • Creative collaboration
  • Trust and adaptability

By helping participants to experience the power of the “improv mindset,” this workshop will deliver insight and tools that help talent development professionals improve how they communicate, engage and lead.

This program is ideal for all human resources professionals, talent development managers, trainers, instructional designers and performance consultants.

Please join us for this fast-paced, interactive, half-day workshop!

What clients say about Advantage Improv:

  • “One of our members suggested Advantage Improv to develop and present a Vendor Relations session. It was a great success. This session made it easy for attendees to interact.”  Debi Kensell, Education Director, Restaurant Facility Management Association
  • “Inviting Advantage Improv to conduct a session with students at the University of San Diego was a wonderful initiative! By using improv, students felt more confident about interacting in what is typically a stressful situation.” Robin Darmon, Director, Career Development Center, University of San Diego

Comments from recent attendees of Advantage Improv training events include:

  • “Bob and Lee are such dynamic leaders. The environment they create at Advantage Improv is the perfect mix of fun, delight, challenge, safety and teamwork.”
  • “Loved it! Want more!”
  • “I really enjoyed it, and it’s a natural way to learn.”
  • “This was a master class in improv, working together, collaboration and trust. It was fantastic.”

About the Presenters:

Several years ago, Advantage Improv co-founders Bob Doll and Lee Godden met while performing improvisational comedy on stage, and discovered they had similar backgrounds as business executives and corporate educators.  With an improv-for-business mindset, they soon co-founded Advantage Improv.

Their goal: To teach forward-thinking individuals, organizations and teams how to boost creativity, effectiveness and profits by leveraging proven improvisational techniques.


Members:         $197
Non-Members:  $247
Affiliates*:        $197
   *Includes Members of ATD, ATD chapters, ISPI, PIHRA, SHRM and NHRA


Back Bay Conference Center, 3415 Michelson Drive, Irvine, California 92612

Cancellation/Refund deadline is October 13.

No shows will be charged in full.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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