BizSIG [VIRTUAL] ~ Discover your Superpowers! ~ Powerful Personal Branding to Stay Relevant and in High Demand

  • 03/13/2017
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Access information provided in the registration confirmation email
  • 30


  • Registration code is required.
  • You must login to the website to access this rate.
  • You are an affiliate if you are a member of one of these organizations: ATD-LA, ATD-IE, ATD-SD, ATD-GG, ATD-SAC, ATD-HI, ISPI-OC, ISPI-LA.

Registration is closed

Special HYBRID Format for this Meeting

This is a hybrid meeting with the speaker presenting ONSITE to our on-site attendees, as well as to a separate virtual audience.

This is the page for the virtual event.

Click here for the live event.

In today’s new gig economy, we need to consistently communicate our unique value to remain relevant and working for the long-term, regardless if we’re in business for ourselves or someone else.

Join Erica Beggan, career and brand coach, as she guides participants through the process of discovering and clarifying their unique superpowers.

Once discovered, she demonstrates integration into marketing tools such as social media. Join us to pump up your:

  • Branding
  • Marketing
  • Social Media
  • And More!

Today’s BizSIG provides the opportunity to better understand what it takes to develop your personal-professional brand. This will be a hands-on experience – come with your tablets and laptops to make on-the-spot social media adjustments after the initial presentation from Erica Beggan.

About the Presenter:

Erica Beggan thrives due to her "superpowers." Her mission is to help you discover your superpowers.

Erica received a BA in Sociology with a Minor in Speech Communication from Cal State Long Beach, a Career Coaching Certificate from the National Association of Colleges & Employers, and has an Advanced Leadership designation from Toastmasters International.

Erica has conducted training and coaching sessions for thousands through relationships with such companies as Goodwill of Orange County, Career College of California, Better Engineering, Prana, and Kingston Technologies.

Erica is presenting at the 2017 California Placement Association’s Conference

She can be reached via


10:00 to 12:00    Presentation

12:00 to 1:00      Networking Session (light refreshments will be provided)

Event pricing….

There is always event pricing for the BizSIG. Part of the money supports the chapter, part is compensation for our speakers, and part is used for special events and catering.

  • BizSIG members: $10 (you must be logged in and use your special BizSIG code to access this rate)
  • ATD-OC members and affiliates: $20
  • Non-members: $35

For information on becoming a BizSIG member, click here.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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