ATD-OC Book Club: Territorial Games: Understanding & Ending Turf Wars at Work

  • 08/13/2018
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Your nearest computer connection
  • 28


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During this time of Stay at Home, we are repeating book clubs of the past. If you were with us before, join in again. If you missed us the first time, this is your second chance. Even if you only read the "cliff notes" or one chapter of the book, join us for a great online discussion. 

The ATD-OC Book Club is open to non-members too! It’s a great way to learn more about ATD-OC and our wonderful members.

What is our agenda?

Some come to talk, some to listen, all to experience the moment.
  • 10 – 30 minutes: Greetings and self-introductions
    • (exact time and format depend on number attending)
  • 30 – 45 minutes: Discussion on three questions
    • What learning point matters to you most from the book?
    • Where does the lesson apply in your current life?
    • What is one action you will take as a result?
  • 10 – 30 minutes: Discussion on next steps
A little about our book…

Power, position, property. Critical to human development, history, and society. We are hardwired to want more in the name of personal survival. Today’s workplace is filled daily with battles over information, relationships, and authority. Everyone is fighting for survival and today’s fight is psychological safety. Turf wars are productivity and morale squashing activities that employees engage in – most without any conscious thought to their choices.

Territorial Games analyzes 10 insidious and instinctual acts of gamesmanship and supplies positive strategies to protect yourself, move out of the game, and assist others with awareness of the trap that has them by the limbic system.

A little about Annette Simmons…

“Once upon a time, story was banished from business. Then Annette Simmons came along to show us the error of our ways. This book is a smart, practical guide to tapping the power of narrative to improve your business and your life.”
- Daniel H. Pink, Author A Whole New Mind

“It’s not as hard as you think! Annette Simmons lays out the storytelling agenda in clear, simple steps. You can (and you must) tell a story if you expect to succeed as a marketer. This book ought to help.”
      - Seth Godin, Author Outliers

Annette books include The Story Factor, Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins, and of course, Territorial Games.


Q: What if I didn’t read the book or only read part of it?
A: Join in anyway. We can be your live version of "CliffsNotes®" for learning.

Q: Where do I get a copy of the book?
A: You can order your book on

Q: Why join a book club discussion?
A: Read what
 John Coleman wrote in HBR.

This meeting is open to members and non-members of ATD-OC. There is no fee for this program. Registration is limited to 42.

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ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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