Everything DiSC One-day Workshop & Two-day Certification: Los Angeles

  • 08/22/2018
  • 8:30 AM
  • 08/23/2018
  • 5:00 PM
  • Antioch University Los Angeles, 400 Corporate Pointe, Room A1006, Culver City, CA 90230

Everything DISC® in the Workplace
August 22, 2018

This in-person course provides group learning and interactive activities to guide you in exploring all the Everything DISC®  profiles.  

Experience the Everything DISC® assessment process and receive personalized profiles. 

Find out more and register here at the ATD-LA website

Everything DISC Workplace® Certification
August 22 & 23, 2018

Become an Everything DiSC® Certified Trainer and gain expertise to conduct Everything DiSC® workshops at your organization or business.

Find out more and register here at the ATD-LA website

Registration Closes on Monday, August 13.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to ocoffice@atdoc.org outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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