Trainers' SIG ~ Stage Authority Formula

  • 11/02/2018
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Webster University, 32 Discovery, Irvine CA 92618
  • 37


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Stage Authority Formula is a research supported, brain-based program that will show you how to exude confidence on stage, gain authority of the room and powerfully lead a training session or deliver a presentation.

By the end of this program you will...

  • Have a much clearer understanding of the 3 areas of Presence:
  • Warmth
  • Authority
  • The focused attention that leads to connection

You’ll also:

  • Identify which of the three come most easily to you
  • Which you most need to work on
  • How to measurably up your level of impact in each area
  • And how to modify your presentations to the way you approach each of the three areas depending on your purpose, material and audience.

Who should attend:

  • Beginning, intermediate and seasoned trainers, presenters and facilitators

Two additional reasons to attend:

  • If you have not yet seen Dr. Cynthia present on Warmth/Authority/Focused Attention, the content will be completely new to you—as well as being profound and impactful.  You will not have experienced this material before.
  • Dr. Cynthia works with people in a very impactful way.  At the session, you’ll work on physically embodying the three elements so that you’ll experience them in your body and be able to recreate them later.

About our presenter:

Dr. Cynthia uses her experience in the language of the body to help organizations and individuals use the most powerful tool they have to be better communicators, both with themselves and others, so they can be more persuasive, make more money, and live happier, healthier lives.

With over 25 years helping patients from infants to octogenarians and Olympic athletes, Dr. Cynthia also had the honor of being selected as the Chiropractor for the All Women’s America’s Cup team as they made history.

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ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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