The Gamification of Learning: A Certification Workshop for Talent Development and HR Professionals

  • 08/21/2019
  • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM (PDT)
  • Webster University | 32 Discovery, Irvine, CA 92618
  • 23


  • * Please note: Those who are members of ATD only are not eligible for this rate. Please consider joining the OC chapter and becoming a Power Member, to get the best rate.
  • * Please note: Those who are members of ATD only are not eligible for this rate. Please consider joining the OC chapter and becoming a Power Member, to get the best rate.

Earlybird Rates expire 8/10/19
Registration is closed

Spend a day learning from the #1 rated Gamification Guru, Monica Cornetti, and become a better, higher-rated, and considerably more effective trainer, teacher, instructional designer, or human resource professional!

This program is like no conference or workshop you’ve attended. The Sententia Gamification LIVE Certification is a complete immersion experience designed to leave you creatively inspired and technically masterful.

Be prepared to come and PLAY FULL OUT for the entire day to dramatically improve your learning and development results and significantly increase your credibility and influence and a professional.

Simply defined, gamification uses game mechanics and rewards for non-game applications in order to increase engagement, transfer knowledge, and create loyalty. Gamification is about motivational design, and is the process of using game mechanics and game thinking in non-gaming contexts to engage users and to solve problems.

Gamification is founded in the fundamentals of human psychology and behavioral science, and rests on three primary factors: motivation, ability level, and triggers.

Gamification is not about simply rewarding points and badges, but rather understanding and influencing the human behaviors which companies want to encourage among their employees and customers. Gamification includes a robust set of game mechanics including chance, competition, collaboration, knowledge sharing, badges, points, leaderboards, status, achievement, exploration, teamwork, and so much more.

No need for devices other than your phone.

Intended Audience

This program is for L&D and HR professionals interested in using gamification to improve their learning and training programs.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how key concepts found in behavioral psychology and game design can increase learning and engagement.
  • Have a five-part process for gamifying a learning program.
  • Demonstrate a return on investment for your gamified learning program.

Takeaways for Participants

  • Game the System™ “game board” of the 30 necessary steps for creating successfully gamified learning programs
  • All handouts and ancillary tools
  • Sententia Level 1 Apprentice Certificate for attending the seminar and one upon completion of a case study for framing for each registrant (will occur after completion of the certification program and analysis and feedback of a case study under the supervision of Monica Cornetti)
  • Sententia Level 1 Apprentice digital badges with metadata about the program and work completed for certification for employers, recruiters, and potential clients
  • Provide HRCI, SHRM and ATD recertification credit documentation for each registrant (see below for more details)

About the Speaker

Featured on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek, Monica Cornetti works with individuals and organizations who want to learn how to think differently to achieve uncommon results. A gamification speaker and designer, Monica was rated #1 among the “Gamification Gurus Power 100” by RISE, and in 2016 was also recognized as a Top 3 Finalist in the “Gamification Guru of the Year Award” by the World Gamification Congress held in Barcelona, Spain.

Monica is the Founder and CEO of the Sententia Gamification and the author of the book Totally Awesome Training Activity Guide: Put Gamification to Work for You. Monica is hired for her skill as a gamification speaker and is considered at the top of her field in gamification design for corporate learning.

She is a graduate of Seton Hill with a BA in psychology, and The University of Houston-Victoria where she earned a Masters Degree in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship, voted by Forbes Small Business as one of the top 5 programs for entrepreneurial education in the country.

CPLP Recertification Credit

CPLPs earn one recertification point/credit for each physical hour of continuing education within one’s current role/job or involving a new experience or content. You will need to keep records of the event and prepare any required paperwork. Visit the CPLP webpage for complete information.

Six recertification hours for this workshop.

HRCI and SHRM Recertification Credit

This program is eligible for self-certification for HRCI and SHRM recertification credits. You will need to keep records of the event and prepare any required paperwork. Visit the HRCI recertification webpage or the SHRM recertification webpage for more information.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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