What Do I Do Now? Strategies for our New Normal

  • 04/07/2020
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Webinar Link Provided upon Registration
  • 29


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We’re a few weeks in to our “shelter in place” world and uncertainty lays ahead. As we adjust to our new normal, have you thought, “what’s next?” Join us for a webinar to look at individual strategies to help yourself be at your best. In this hour, we will gain strategies in three areas that will help you take control where you can:

  • Focus: Where are you putting it? Where do you have control to put it?
  • Self-Management: Take control with your mental, emotional, and physical states and refresh and reenergize yourself.
  • Connection: Engage others with empathy, clarity, and purpose to help minimize unproductive areas that are out of their control.   

Join us to connect, grow, and discuss how to use this time to define what is needed today and later, as normal takes on a new meaning.

About the Presenter

Rhonda Askeland, President and Principal Consultant at ASKRHON Consulting, is passionate about helping organizations achieve their goals through their people. She has focused her more than 20-year career around transforming human performance with a depth of knowledge and experience in the following areas: Organizational and Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Communication Styles™, Team Building, and Performance Management. She works with a wide range of clients in various industries including: technology, insurance, oil and gas, and facilitates for ATD International. Rhonda is the ATD-OC 2012 President and 2019 Chair Emeritus.

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