Virtual Happy Hour - Storytelling from Afar

  • 07/09/2020
  • 4:00 PM - 4:55 PM
  • Webinar Link Provided upon Registration
  • 35


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I know, I know. It's summer.  But since we're not going anywhere...  

Perhaps it's time that the Virtual Happy Hour lives up to it's title.  

ATD-OC is a community that relies upon networking to thrive.  With that in mind, this will be a session in which we actually get to network.

This won't be a typical web meeting, we promise.


Today's discussion:  Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful communication tool.  As facilitators, we tend to share stories with our learners to stress a point, or to get them thinking about a subject differently.

This Virtual Happy Hour, we want to hear your stories!  

We'll break this up into two segments:

  1. 10-word life story.
    There will be a little work before the event to help get things ready for this activity.  Check the confirmation email for instructions!

    And then, since that should be quick:

  2. OMG, This One Time...
    Life can get pretty weird.  If we don't stop and talk about the ups and downs we're experiencing once in a while, we could miss out on a lot of great stories.     

About your facilitator

Paul Venderley believes that Zoom fatigue only exists if you're spending all your time watching other people's video cameras.  He's using these Virtual Happy Hours to explore ways to beat that malaise. 

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ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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