Training from the Right Side: Engaging the Whole Brain for Learning Transfer - Monthly Learning Event

  • 01/18/2023
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Webinar Link Provided upon Registration


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  • Members of other ATD Chapters. This does not apply to ATD National Members.
  • You must be logged in to access this rate.
  • Members of other ATD Chatpers. This does not apply to ATD National Members.
  • You must be logged in to access this rate.
  • Members of other ATD Chapters. This does not apply to ATD National Members.

Registration is closed

Please note this meeting is on the 3rd Wednesday.

Decades ago, Roger Sperry’s Nobel Prize-winning split-brain research brought awareness to the unique gifts the left and right sides of our brain bring to us and how we integrate information.

The left side of our brains contributes to our logical, rational, analytical skills and focuses on details, while the right side focuses on our more intuitive, holistic, creative, and synthesizing skills that focus on whole patterns. These different parts of our brain work together to maximize our ability to learn.

In this program, focused on engaging the whole brain in learning, you will:

  • Gain knowledge on whole brain learning and why it’s the key to learning success
  • Build a toolkit of techniques enhancing the learning experience and creating more learning transfer
  • Participate in an interactive, fun-filled session getting your right brain engaged
  • Create GPS-like locators for you to turn your learning into workplace results

This program will help you become more effective in designing learning to get the most from your learners and help them fully engage to retain more of what they are learning!

About Rhonda Askeland: 

Rhonda Askeland is the President and Learning Solutions Architect of ASKRHON CONSULTING. She has a twenty-five-year background in organization development, training, and coaching and works with performers at all levels.

Rhonda is a past President of ATD Orange County (2012) and has received recognition in ATD’s Training magazine for innovative and experiential learning techniques. She has also co-authored two ATD Learning Blueprint columns and is certified in many different learning tools. She has also facilitated the ATD Instructional Design and Master of Instructional Systems Design certificate programs, and is also a certified coach with the International Coach Federation.

She has worked with Fortune 500 companies as well as small organizations. Her industry experience includes work in the entertainment, health care, insurance, technology, manufacturing, oil and gas, publishing, university and government.

Rhonda brings her broad industry and consulting experience and blends it with her ability to translate needs into a solution that gets immediate and outstanding results for her clients.

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When You Register...

Member Only

Member & First Time Guest

Non Member


More than 1 weeks early


Member FREE  &  Guest $5.00


1 weeks early


Member FREE  &  Guest $10.00


2 days early


Member $5.00 &  Guest $15.00


To take advantage of this offer, contact Denise at or 714.527.4785.


Early bird -Wednesday, January 11

Regular - Monday, January 16

Cancellation/refund deadline is noon on the Monday before the meeting. No shows will be charged in full.

Earn Professional Professional Development Points

This program is worth .5 Professional Development points.
Find out more about APTD/CPTD Certifications here.

ATD Capability Model

Each ATD-OC Learning Event will be aligned to at least one Talent Development  Capability, as identified by ATD National.

This program aligns with:

Domain(s): Building Personal Capability, Developing Professional Capability

Capability(s): Communication, Learning Sciences, Training Delivery and Facilitation

Talent development professionals should be able to implement a multilevel, systematic method for gathering, analyzing, and reporting on information about the effectiveness and effort of learning programs.

To find out more about the ATD Capability Model for the Training and Development Profession, visit


By registering for this event, I hereby give the Association for Talent Development, Orange County Chapter, its clients, agents, and assigns, full permission to use, publish and copyright photographic images, film images, video images, sound recordings, and any reproductions from these materials of me and/or my property or any part thereof, either in conjunction with or without using my name, and make changes or alterations therein and/or alterations thereto Worldwide in perpetuity. Some places these images and recordings may be used and posted include, but are not limited to, the Internet, emails, social media, etc.

If I do not provide permission, I understand I will not activate my web camera during the session.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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