Free Is Great! Budget-Friendly Resources You Can Use to Support What You Do in L&D

  • 09/19/2024
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Webinar
  • 33


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"Free is great!"

At ATD-OC, we're quite familiar with the budgetary mantra of an L&D manager operating on a shoestring budget

That's why we have created a session that will show you how to make the most out of the tools that you might already have* or can get for free.

In this session, we'll discuss some of the free resources that we use to create the learning content for our organization and explore some surprising uses for existing tools.

Here're some fun things we've got lined up so far: 

Make A Gif?

Photoshop users may be adept in making splashy, fun images to catch attention.  Or perhaps you've tried your hand with one of the meme-oriented .gif makers.

We'll walk through creating the .gif displayed to the left with free tools that don't require an additional membership to download.

Create A Video?

It's easy to make training videos using our smartphones these days.  Editing the video into short, digestible content?  We'll step through making a short video using raw footage from a Samsung Galaxy something or other.

An AI Hack

Not necessarily a free tool, but a technique for using ChatGPT (or whatever generative AI tool you choose) to streamline your research.

FYI: did you know that LinkedIn Premium subscribers are able to sign into Perplexity Pro for free now?  

Microsoft PowerTools

A suite of resources that can support the little things in your workflow in a big way.

We're Accumulating More

We're reaching out to the senior practitioners in our Chapter to see what budget-friendly resources they use to create engaging learning content.

We look forward to exploring these tools together!

*All demonstrations will be conducted on an LG laptop running Windows 10. 

About Our Facilitator:

Paul Venderley 
Paul Venderley is interested in seeing how technology collaborates with training to create relevant solutions that meet course objectives.  As the leader of the Training and Technology SIG, he unabashedly uses ATD-OC as his "sandbox" to see how the latest training tech could work for the talent development field. 

Come play in the Sandbox!

Earn Professional Professional Development Points

This program is worth 1.5 Professional Development points. 
Find out more about APTD/CPTD Certifications here.

ATD Capability Model

Each ATD-OC Learning Event will be aligned to at least one Talent Development  Capability, as identified by ATD National.

This program aligns with:

Domain(s): Developing Professional Capability

Capability(s): Technology Application

Disruption via technology will continue to be a reality for organizations and talent development functions. Talent development professionals must have the ability to identify, select, and implement the right learning and talent technologies that serve the best interests of the organization and its people. Practitioners should be able to identify opportunities to adapt and leverage the right technologies at the right time to meet organizational goals.

To find out more about the ATD Capability Model for the Training and Development Profession, visit

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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