Technology Tidbits SIG ~ LIVE ~ Fast Track to Captivate 6

  • 01/08/2013
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (PST)
  • Corinthian Colleges, Room 100, 6 Hutton Centre, Santa Ana, CA, 92707
  • 0


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This is the LIVE event.

The newest version of Adobe’s flagship eLearning tool, Captivate 6, has brought incredible new features for creating eLearning. You can use Captivate to create soft-skills learning and quizzes, combine media elements with presentations and develop learner interactivity. In addition, you can further enhance your learning with a variety of new features, including:  themes, actors, smart learning interactions and smart shapes, text hyperlinks, animations and effects, master slides and object styles, and audio and video improvements. 

The only problem with Captivate 6 is: There are so many new features that new users may get confused.  Fortunately, we will have nationally recognized Adobe Captivate Expert, Anita Horsley, put us on the “fast track” to Captivate 6. 

About the Presenter: During Anita Horsley’s tenure as a firefighter in Atlanta, she developed and managed the Health and Safety Program. During that time she received her Masters degree in Education; and, as a Master Fitness instructor, she taught firefighters to be nationally certified fitness trainers. Hired by the Oregon State Fire Marshal Horsley as a Training and Development Specialist, she founded the eLearning track, implementing and coordinating the eLearning team and internal training. Horsley received her Adobe Certified Expert Captivate in January 2012, and after her recent move to South Carolina, she now works as an independent consultant. In addition to developing online course, she teaches Adobe Captivate 6 around the USA.

To see tutorials, testimonials, and recorded presentations visit her Crazy About Captivate blog

This session is limited to 20 attendees and pre-registration is required. Walk-ins may be permitted on a space-available stand-by basis.

If you register and cannot make it, as a courtesy to others who may like to attend, please contact Denise at 714/527-4785 or, so that we can release your seat for another attendee. You can always register for the online session to have access to the presentation afterwards.

Please plan to arrive about 15 minutes early to allow for check-in.

For more information, contact: Erik Eisel at

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