Trainer's SIG ~ The Art of Emotional Training

  • 09/20/2013
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Webster University, 32 Discovery, Irvine CA 92618
  • 33


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Think about a dull training session you attended or one you didn’t remember much information from afterwards.  Chances are that session didn’t engage you emotionally.

People pay attention more and remember better when their emotions are engaged.  Would you like to make your less interesting training topics more engaging?  Would you like to make your more engaging topics that much more powerful?

If so, come to ASTD-OC’s September 20th Trainers’ SIG to better use emotions in your training to enhance audience involvement and retention!

We’ll cover:

  • Why is emotion important in training
  • Tactics to inject emotions: what we say, how we say it, nonverbal cues
  • Getting emotion into a presentation full of emotion
  • Getting emotion into presentations that are flat by nature

And we will practice!

Our Speaker:

Peggy Pargoff is the Senior Vice President of ManagEase, Incorporated and has worked for the company since 2002. In addition to consulting and corporate roles, she leads its training unit, which specializes in customized trainings and coaching for managers and employees.  Peggy’s holds an MS and a BS in scientific disciplines and also holds national credentialing from the Society of Human Resource Management as a Professional in Human Resources.  Peggy is a member of ASTD-OC.

ASTD Competency Model: This session – and all the Trainers’ SIG sessions – help with developing the Delivering/Facilitating Training competency.

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We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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