OC December Chapter Learning Event: MEETING CHANGE: REINDEER GAMES

  • 12/11/2013
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • DoubleTree Club Hotel, 7 Hutton Centre Dr., Santa Ana, CA


  • Register by noon on the Monday before the meeting to receive the early registration rate. NOTE: Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For members of ASTD-LA, ASTD-SD, ASTD-IE ISPI-OC and ISPI-LA
  • For members of ASTD-LA, ASTD-SD, ASTD-IE ISPI-OC and ISPI-LA
  • Early registration rate ends at midnight the Tuesday before the meeting. Non-members can only register other non-members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Non-members can only register other non-members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • Early registration rate ends at midnight the Tuesday before the meeting. NOTE: Students can only register other Students under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Students can only register other Students under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
Pre-registration is now closed, but we welcome walkins

Unfortunately, due to extreme weather and travel interruptions, our program has changed. We have rescheduled our speaker for February.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

We will now be engaging in Reindeer Games and we look forward to seeing you for fun learning games and prizes!

Earlybird rates have been extended to
Noon on Wednesday!

Due to the Holidays, we will be meeting on the 2nd Wednesday!

Holiday Celebration!

As usual at our December meeting, we will also be honoring our volunteers, welcoming our 2014 Board of Directors, and celebrating our year.

Won't you join us?

Join ASTD-OC in supporting Second Harvest's fight against hunger in Orange County. 


Each December, ASTD-Orange County selects a human service organization to support. We encourage Chapter members and others in our community to give to this organization.


This year, we support Second Harvest's mission to alleviate hunger in Orange County, and there are two ways for you to participate:

  • Bring food non-perishable food items to our December Monthly Learning Event on December 11.
  • Join in our Virtual Food Drive, which allows you to choose and purchase food items in an online, virtual supermarket accessed through this link until December 31.

About Registration:

Earlybird registration ends at noon on Wednesday before the meeting.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to ocoffice@atdoc.org outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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