Chapter Connections

Welcome to Chapter Connections, your Community Hub for everything related to our Chapter's journey. More than just a space for reading, it's where you'll find the heartbeat of our community—connecting you to the insights, stories, and opportunities that empower your professional development.

  • 08/07/2012 9:56 AM | Rhonda Askeland

    I look at the calendar and ask myself, “How did it get to be August already?” The good news is that ASTD-OC has had a productive summer . . . even taking the month of July off. 

    We kicked-off the summer with an addition to the Board. Coline Son Lee joined the Board as the Co-VP of Marketing and has made a serious splash into chapter events. Here's some info on Coline:

    • She comes to the chapter from Northern California where she has been active on ASTD National activities.
    • She has her CPLP and has initiated a CPLP preparation and study group program for the west coast with ASTD-OC being the hub for the program.
    • Coline was instrumental in securing the Advanced Storyline from Articulate workshop, held August 7. In her short-time on the Board, she has helped the chapter kick-off a sizzling summer.
    • Welcome, Coline!

    The June Monthly Learning Event with Mark Samuel was a hot ticket. The doors had to be expanded for a robust group to hear the details on making one’s self and organization “indispensable.” Mark provided insights and tips that were not only timely in today’s workplace, they were also practical and easy to implement. If you weren’t able to be there, check out Mark’s new book, Making Yourself Indispensable: The Power of Personal Accountability.

    ASTD-OC has a lot more in store to “turn up the heat” in August and September.

    • The Ardrey Group presents, Train the Trainers – Four P’s to Team Building Success” on August 22
    • The September Monthly Learning Event is being hosted at the Enterprise Learning Conference & Expo on September 26. A dynamic panel will talk about learning & development in today's workplace.
    • Go to for more info on our events.

    Would you like to have a Kindle Fire? Here's how you can be eligible: All ASTD-OC members on September 30 will have an opportunity to win a Kindle Fire. Make sure you renew, if your membership is due to expire, and join if you aren’t currently a member. The administration fee will be waived for all new members who join in August and September. Good luck!

    The election season is upon us. The Leadership Selection Committee, led by Denise Lamonte, has been contacting potential chapter leaders. August is nomination month. If you, or someone you know, are interested in knowing more or would like to be a part of a dynamic team, please contact Denise at The rewards of being a part of chapter leadership are bountiful. Ask any Board member for more info.

    Continue to enjoy your summer and join us for the ASTD-OC Summer of Sizzle!


    Rhonda Askeland

    2012 Chapter President

  • 06/12/2012 9:58 AM | Rhonda Askeland

    It’s been a month since I attended ASTD’s International Conference (ICE) in Denver. Reflecting on the ideas and thoughts has given me perspective and what it means for ASTD-OC.  A key takeaway for me was around learning agility. I realize how ASTD-OC is a resource that helps me address this important area.

    Learning agility was defined as the ability and willingness to learn from experience and successfully apply that learning to perform in new or first-time conditions. Agility includes quick thinking, initiating curiosity, creating fresh connections, having a broad range of thinking, and utilizing principles or rules of thumb in approaching situations. The need for learning agility is critical to today’s demands and the role of training and development enables learning agility in organizations.

    ASTD-OC has made it our mission to equip our community with access to the skills and connections that enable learning agility. The programs that are offered take into consideration the various learning needs of our community. The results: a wide-variety of programs are offered through monthly learning events and our Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings. Emphasis on design and development, both ILT and elearning, was delivered in the month of May with a successful Thomas Kuhlman workshop and a “nuts and bolts” ADDIE presentation by Langevin. Our OD SIG kicked-off the month by sharing ideas on organization design.  June started with the OD SIG showcasing a top-notch panel discussing talent management and we’ll be taking the discussion on people and productivity to the next level with our monthly learning event, Making Your Organization and Yourself Indispensible.  The Training & Technology SIG presents technology tidbits to improve learning and performance this afternoon.

    We want to help you build your mastery – with programs that increase your depth in an area or expand on your breadth of knowledge. We love to hear from you about learning events that will help you increase your learning agility. Contact me at with the best ways to meet your needs.


    Rhonda Askeland

    ASTD-OC, 2012 Chapter President

  • 05/21/2012 9:52 AM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)
    ASTD-OC is that leadership lab you've been looking for.

    It's a community of practice for DISC, Myers-Briggs, black hats and blue pens. For breaking all the rules and discovering your strengths. It's a petri dish of leadership theories and styles all mixed together because hey! this isn't science as much as it's life.

    I bring this up having read an article on the 6 Habits of Memorable People and a companion post, 6 Ways Successful People Stand Out.  Each article suggests that as we spend our days working towards some definition of success, we're not being memorable. Being a person that other people remember -- our peers, our bosses, that person you just networked with -- requires stepping outside the cubicle, so to speak, and doing things rather than reading and talking about them.

    Take a walk through the ASTD-OC community. You'll meet someone who is developing a recognition program. There's an onboarding program in its infancy. Here are project managers dipping their brains into web design. Over there is a leader in training who managed a failed project, explored the lessons learned from the failure, and went on to plan and manager bigger and better projects, both for ASTD-OC and for work. And let's not forget this gregarious fellow, whose smile is as broad as the support he's willing to give to anyone who asks for it.

    If you're a person seeking an opportunity to stand out in your organization, trying doing so outside its box. Try doing so here.
  • 04/03/2012 11:01 AM | Rhonda Askeland

    The first quarter has launched and the ASTD-OC chapter has been coiling the spring with impactful learning events. Our motto, “Come for the content. Stay for the community.” has never been more true as our community is strengthened with new members, sponsors, and business connections.

    We are excited to spring forward with a full-to-capacity Total Trainer program. The robust 10-week series promises to give training professionals the tools to design, develop, facilitate, and implement training that makes a difference in organizations. Watch out! The Total Trainer training professionals will take the ADDIE model to new heights of learning. Participants will help their organizations spring forward by applying their learning skills.

    We couldn’t have coiled the spring any tighter to get the excitement and anticipation for our May workshop. Thomas Kuhlman, the rapid Elearning industry guru, will share his insights and tips on using Articulate and Storyline to create effective Elearning. Participants will get hands-on experience with the latest from Articulate. We are pleased to support our learning community with a workshop that is sure to be a valued tool in a training development toolbox and helps Elearning professionals spring forward with cutting-edge tools.

    The ASTD-OC community has seen growth in its membership and volunteer base this past quarter. The growth strengthens how we serve our learning professional community and helps the chapter spring forward and provide outstanding learning events and services. We anticipate offering workshops and additional learning opportunities that give our community a place they know they can go to and depend on for their learning needs.

    We invite you to spring forward with us and explore the events coming to you this spring. Your learning community awaits you.

    Rhonda Askeland

    2012 Chapter President
  • 03/25/2012 6:51 PM | Deleted user

    Every organization needs to adapt to change if it is to succeed in today’s economy.  It is a known fact that change is inevitable and the only constant is change itself.  The problem is that most people don’t like change and many have a difficult time accepting and making the change.  It takes an average of 12 years for an organization to change. 

    Excellent people skills are critical for the Project Manager (PM)/Change Agent (CA).  Combining the right people skills learned from project management methodologies and change management best practices will help increase cooperation and communication between departments and functions.   This will help expedite changing an organization more quickly and effectively. 

    For example, the PM/CA should ensure that they have full support from Executive Management.  Next, the customers (internal and external) should be made aware of the planned change, be informed why it is important and necessary, and told how it will affect them.  Also, informing the customers of what’s in it for them will help gain everyone’s buy-in, or at least, consensus and openness to the change itself. Regular communications and necessary training throughout the change process will help assure continued buy-in throughout the organization. 

    People skills are essential to effectively motivate and communicate with the project team, and ultimately with the rest of the organization.  Using these methodologies, along with other project management and change management best practice methodologies (not contained in this blog) will help ensure that the organization has a higher percentage rate of achieving the desired change effectively and efficiently in the shortest time possible.

    Note:  Linda Huey, MBA, is ASTD-OC Chapter Secretary for 2012.  She has a Certificate in Organizational Development Best Practices and is currently working on obtaining certificates in Project Management Professional and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.  

  • 03/23/2012 10:30 AM | Jolynn Atkins

    Evaluate the results of training in session (week) five with Melissa Smith, an adult learning expert who teaches trainers how to train with impact (specializing in program design and delivery,) and helps individuals improve self-leadership and interpersonal effectiveness using tools, skills and knowledge of personality differences.

    When was the last time we stopped to ask "Was our last program a success?" or "Are our participants applying what they learned and if so, are we achieving desired results?" In this session, we will learn to monitor and evaluate existing training through practical application of the Kirkpatrick four levels of evaluation, use trend analysis to evaluate participant feedback and learn to match tests to learning objectives. 

    In today's workplace, being able to demonstrate cost justification for training and show return on dollars invested in training is critical. No worries if you are not sure where to start because we will also learn to measure the value of training using cost benefit analysis that will allow you to present return on investment (ROI).  

    Now, back to the question at hand, "Does your program evaluation pass the test?" Total Trainer and Melissa Smith will share how to use a validation tool to identify the transfer of learning to the workplace that you can take back and immediately apply in your learning environment.


    We love our ASTD community and its breadth of expertise, so please feel free to share yours or your organization's best practices for program evaluation in the comments section below.
  • 03/19/2012 10:43 AM | Deleted user

    Why should you recommend joining ASTD-OC to your colleagues and friends?

    Well, here are some of the benefits our members enjoy:

    Numerous opportunities for professional development, informative Monthly Learning Events, SIGS for Organizational Development, Technical Training, and Career Management.  How about our special annual programs - Total Trainer and Powerful Presentation Skills?  Not to mention incredible workshops like the upcoming Tom Kuhlmann event! All of these are opportunities to network and make new friends!  And don't forget, we have plenty of ways you can voluteer and make a positive difference!

    Oh, almost forgot..........

    How about opportunities to win prizes like our ASTD Certificate workshops?  Congratulations to Edna Davoudi, our March 1st winner who selected a design certificate program valued at $1,795!

  • 03/05/2012 5:15 PM | Jolynn Atkins
    We typically associate "distance learning" with the web these days - sitting in front of a computer while some facilitator shares what he or she knows about a subject and perhaps pausing for a moment or two to seek questions.  In fact, distance learning has been around since 1728, with the introduction of correspondence courses, and has long been an appealing method of getting practicable information to an audience unable to travel to the instructor.

    Total Trainer's Distance Learning session (week 9) will touch on the various long-distance training methods that are available to the modern day trainer.  We will primarily explore how to facilitate via web training tools, using techniques that support participation and engagement from the learners (our primary tool for this session will be WebEx, but we'll also set up an Adobe Connect session to see how the programs compare).  We'll spend some time exploring other resources for the distance trainer, and how they can be utilized to create a virtual learning environment for long-term distance learning."

    Your Total Trainer Distance Learning facilitator, Paul Venderley is the Manager of Learning Technology for Corinthian Colleges' OD Department, and a Past President of ASTD-Orange County. He designs both synchronous and asynchronous training interventions using WebEx, Captivate, Articulate, and Sharepoint.

    This is your community, please feel free to comment below on what you are looking forward to most in the Total Trainer Workshop. If you are Total Trainer Alumni, we want to hear from your success stories and takeaways too.

  • 02/07/2012 11:51 AM | Rhonda Askeland

    ASTD-OC has kicked-off the new year and we’ve been busy creating and putting plans in place. We have an energetic and dedicated leadership team strategizing and implementing chapter plans.  You can check out the leadership team org chart under the About Us tab. The leadership team continues to work on the six strategic imperatives defined in 2011 to guide our action and goals. Our imperatives:

    1. Enhance Operational Infrastructure
    2. Plan and Execute Leadership Succession
    3. Plan for Financial Sustainability
    4. Plan for Leveraging Technology
    5. Plan for Membership Benefits
    6. Plan, Retain & Increase Membership
    We started the year with a big bang – a successful monthly learning event that saw an overflowing room of more than sixty-five people learn the “The Top Ten Neuro-Keys to Unlocking Learning Agility and Making Training Stick” with Aparna Suresh.  A big part of successful monthly events is in the planning.  The chapter is supporting learning agility with numerous offerings getting ready to launch.  Two of the most popular coming this spring:  Total Trainer, kicking-off in April and Tom Kuhlman has agreed to present the latest in e-learning for a May workshop. Monthly learning and SIG events are planned for the quarter with sights on Q2 topics and presenters.

    Plans also include opportunities for members to participate in a variety of learning events, including SIG events, chapter and national workshops, webinars, and social media. Right now, members have an opportunity to attend a complimentary ASTD Certificate Program in April – look for information on our website.  Various mediums provide members with access to board meeting minutes, follow-up chapter learning event/speaker information, LinkedIn discussion boards, OrangeSpiehl Online, Timely Information, SIGnificant News, blogs (like this), and daily Tweets and Facebook messages. 

    Yes, planning is a big part of any new year and we have a number of plans in the works. We are always open to hearing from the chapter and I invite you to let us know how we’re doing.  Please share your ideas on learning event topic suggestions, how we can support you and the training and development community, and how we communicate with you – how you like to get information, what you’d like to change.  We’d love to hear from you!  Contact me at


    Rhonda Askeland

    ASTD-OC, 2012 Chapter President

    Come for the content. Stay for the community.


  • 01/30/2012 7:01 AM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)
    If you followed us on Twitter last week, you may have noticed bursts of tweets from ASTD TechKnowledge in Las Vegas. And if, from there, you followed our prompts to check out #astdtk12, you would have uncovered a plethora of conference snippets: reminders of things we already know about training design but forget in the heat of the project, discoveries about what exactly can be accomplished with technology while training, and pointers on how to use our systems a little bit more with the learner (rather than the system) in mind.

    When we attended TechKnowledge a few years ago the focus was on the exploding world of social media. This year, the conference had a few sessions that addressed how social media can be tapped into before, during, and after a training session(I'm still very fond of using a Twitter backchannel during meetings, and would love to see our Twitter community developed at ASTD-OC so this feature becomes practicable at our Learning Events), but much of this year's focus (at least from the keynotes and seminars I attended) appeared to be on games - how they activate our brain, how we could apply game design techniques in our training design, and the science behind it all. 

    After all, games empower us. They incentivize us. They convince us to complete mind-numbing tasks, sometimes over and over, that we wouldn't even consider doing for our bosses


    Dr. Jane McGonigal, Institute for the Future
    Dr. Jane McGonigal, Institute for the Future  

    Dr. Jane McGonigal, the Director of Game Research and Development at the Institute for the Future, answered this question by asking, then answering, a different one.  During the first day's TechKnowledge 2012 keynote, Jane asked why we spend so much of our free time playing games, pointing out the billions of hours spent playing Angry Birds or Call of Duty.

    Her answer: we play games to be challenged. We like the stress that comes with facing a problem, and overcoming it. And because we're the ones choosing the problem, we're motivated to solve it. The stress that comes with these challenges is a positive one, called eustress
    (Contrast eustress with the on the job stress we endure: the problems we face are seldom of our choosing, nor are they given to us in a safe environment). Tap into this positive, problem-solving eustress while at work, and you've got people who are blissfully productive, optimistic, believe that they're part of a social fabric, and develop an epic meaning in the workplace. 

    Dr. McGonigal shared several examples of online games that had been created to solve world problems, and how people modified their real-life behaviors to solve the problems posed in the game. People spent hours playing the games, coming back to them week after week, willingly accepting tasks. Gaming communities discussed and ranked various ideas suggested by players. And finally, in some cases, the ideas applied in the game were developed into plans for businesses to be run by the very gamers who had come up with them - an epic win! 
    In the second morning's keynote, Stuart Crabb, Head of Learning and Development at Facebook, showed us a workplace where the stress of choice appears to be eustress. Of the insights he shared about Facebook's approach to learning and organizational health, the following stuck with me: "career development is like a jungle gym."

    Watch children at play on a jungle gym, Stuart prompted. They go down to go up. They reach the top, and decide they don't like it there. They help others reach the top. And sometimes they just hang upside down on the inside. His point: there was no set path to get to the top of the jungle gym, and nothing that said that each child had to reach the top or they failed.
    The same applies to the jungle gym of life - it's not about the title, hierarchy level, or compensation (three things that tend to stress us out about our jobs). Rather, it's about experiences - developing strengths, learning, self-improvement.
    Stuart Crabb, Head of Learning and Development at Facebook
    Stuart Crabb, Head of Learning and Development at Facebook
    With that insight, Stuart managed to shift the stress of managing one's career from climbing a career ladder to identifying problems to be solved and finding opportunities to embrace. He showed us a workplace that was a hive of activity in which employees would dedicate long hours to overcome an obstacle, much like they would tackle a quest in World of Warcraft - emerging unwashed, unshaven, yet victorious. And ready to do it again.  

    Lisa Doyle, Chancellor, VA Acquisition Academy
    Lisa Doyle, Chancellor, VA Acquisition Academy
    Lisa Doyle's keynote was more of a case study in creating an effective learning environment, but within her passion for supporting our veterans one could also see the game framework in action: a new mission for the wounded warriors to accept, one that they researched and chose on their own. In the VA Warriors to Work Program, selected interns were tasked with identifying a need within the VA to support our veterans, create a plan for meeting that need, and then doing so. Real problems were faced, with real consequences for mistakes. Yet each intern was part of a cohort, a community that sought to ensure the success of everyone on the team. 

    While Dr. McGonigal had posed a challenge in her keynote - to bring more of the gaming element into the workplace and, in doing so, remove the stress that an employee feels solving workplace problems - both Stuart Crabb and Lisa Doyle provided case studies in how that challenge could be accomplished. Both Facebook and the Veteran's Acquisition Academy had found ways to tap into the positive stress that one can get from work not necessarily by playing games, but by creating experiences that allowed employees to approach work as if it were as enjoyable as combatting a Scalebane.
    A scalebane. Trust us, they ain't pretty.
    Not a gamer? This is a Scalebane.
    While the TechKnowledge 2012 keynote speakers weren't always focused on learning and training design, they did pepper their speeches with the requisite: "People learn better this way."  Subsequent TechKnowledge sessions also exhorted us that positively motivating the learner was key to retention of knowledge, prompting one to write in the side margins of one's notepad: "eustress?"  For example: several presenters suggested that sexual harassment training should not be prefaced with: "You're attending this course because it's the law," but rather provide the learner with information that causes them to choose to attend the course.

    A final point on applying game design techniques in one's training was summed up in a tweet:
    The power of incentives at work.
    A t-shirt: sometimes it's better than +1 experience, +3 salary.

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