Change Leadership SIG ~ A Simple Technology Change Isn’t Always so Simple

  • 03/03/2015
  • 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA, 9950 Jeronimo Road, Irvine, CA 92618


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A Simple Technology Change Isn’t Always so Simple

Scoping Organizational Change for the Human Element

Presented by Tom Porter

Have you lead or even experienced an organizational change sounding simple enough in the beginning but running into opposition and roadblocks in surprising places during deployment?

Are people afraid of the change? Arguing over formal ownership of a new process? Or worse yet, saying nothing at all? Has progress stopped completely?

These may be indicators that the full scope of the change effort was not identified or addressed, many times around the often neglected human element.

Join us as we share change leadership theories and resources around scoping change for the human element. Tom Porter, Director of HR & Administration for Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. will share how understanding and scoping a technology change was critical when planning for their new HRIS system.

In this program, improve your ability to scope change efforts, by focusing on the people:

  • Understand and map out the scope of change initiatives
  • Identify the often hidden Human Element of technology changes
  • Recognize moments that indicate your initial scope was not complete
  • Develop and implement a communication strategy based on project scope

Facilitated by Lisa Kolbe and Denise Lamonte, our NEW Change Leadership SIG has a new structure: More structured networking and discussion sessions, and we’re employing learning theory with shorter best practice sessions to maximize application of learning and practical applications.

About the Presenter:

Tom Porter, SPHR leads the recruitment and training & development of future leaders and top performers at Kawasaki. For over 7 years, he has been the energetic leader that focuses on profitability through coordination of sales, marketing and future business development for a dynamic and growing organization.

Tom served as the President of the ASTD-OC chapter in 2004 and applied his extreme creative talents in many other positions on the Board.  He enjoys the challenge of orchestrating winning solutions, and prior to leading HR efforts, Tom built national and regional sales organizations to achieve the #1 position.

Questions? call Denise Lamonte at 714-342-9733

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