OC January Chapter Learning Event: Sustainable Leadership Programs

  • 01/27/2016
  • 10:45 AM - 1:00 PM
  • DoubleTree Club Hotel, 7 Hutton Centre Dr., Santa Ana, CA


  • NOTE: Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For members of ATD-LA, ATD-SD, ATD-IE, and ISPI-LA. Members of ATD National are not eligible for this rate. (If you are a member of ATD-OC, DO NOT Register under this category. Please login and register as a member.)
  • For members of ATD-LA, ATD-SD, ATD-IE, and ISPI-LA. Members of ATD National are not eligible for this rate. (If you are a member of ATD-OC, DO NOT Register under this category. Please login and register as a member.)
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins.

Pre-registration is now closed, but we welcome all walkins at the door.

US companies spend almost $14 billion annually on leadership, yet when surveyed, almost two-thirds of executives identified leadership development as their #1 concern (Source: Why leadership development programs fail, McKinsey Quarterly, January, 2014 issue)

The conventional approach to leader development is to offer a variety of programs and developmental events, but they’re often delivered in isolation. Individual managers may improve their skills, but the impact on business results is minimal. Companies spend millions on manager training but struggle to create a culture of performance.  Adding to these pressures, corporations worldwide are faced with a widening gap in their global leadership pipeline.

Join us as we explore the successful approach that Melanie has used to generate a culture of leader development that is still in use with former organizations ten years later. In her own words, “this is less about theory and more about practical tools, structure and processes others can use in their own organizations to help their leaders succeed.”

This program will help you improve your ability to:

  • Assess business needs and vet the critical behaviors to guide leader programs
  • Create a culture of commitment to leadership development
  • Apply a variety of measures to support true behavior change
  • Design the systems and structure for sustainable, long-term success

Melanie Nichols, Director Organizational Effectiveness at Ingram Micro, is an accomplished Industrial/Organizational Psychologist with postgraduate coach training from the College of Executive Coaching. She is an Adjunct Professor leading the Industrial and Organizational Psychology track for the undergraduate program at Concordia University.  She is a results-focused, values-driven, change agent with a track record of success. Melanie specializes in identifying improvement opportunities and blending best practices and psychology to custom design a solution.

A valued partner of her internal clients, her work with them has resulted in them being awarded:

  • Best Places to Work/National (Modern Healthcare)
  • Best Places to Work (Texas)
  • Magnet Designation
  • Thomas Reuters Top 100 Hospitals

10:45 AM  Registration, Doors Open Informal Networking

11:05 AM  Welcome & Structured Networking Activity

11:45 AM  Lunch

12:00 PM  Keynote Speaker

This topic aligns with ATD competencies of:

Change Management, Managing Learning Programs, Performance Improvement, Training Delivery, Evaluating Learning Impact

To find out more about the ATD Competency Model for the Training and Development Profession, visit http://www.astd.org/Certification/Competency-Model.

Take your knowledge to a new level and get access to exclusive info about the Competency Model for ASTD National members by becoming a Power Member (member of the Orange County Chapter and National). Find out more here.

About Registration:

Earlybird registration ends at 5 p.m. on the Monday before the meeting.

For evening meetings: Pre-registration closes at noon on the day of the meeting, but walkins are welcome.

For lunch meetings: Pre-registration closes at noon on the day before the meeting, but walkins are welcome.

Cancellation/refund deadline is noon on the Monday before the meeting. No shows will be charged in full.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to ocoffice@atdoc.org outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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