BizSIG ~ Your Online Platform: Using Social Media to Promote Your Brand ~ Virtual Session

  • 03/14/2016
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Virtual


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Virtual Training ~ If you'd like to attend virtually, please contact Jeffrey Hansler at for a special registration code.

All others, register here for the live event.

It used to be, if you wanted the word to get out about you, you had to put yourself out there. Find someone who knows someone who can get you in front of people. If things worked out, you spoke at organizations like ATD-OC, booked a few corporate events, maybe got on local community television.

How are things now? Building an online professional platform is easier than ever. People are able to promote themselves via LinkedIn or Facebook. They curate online scrapbooks. They can broadcast videos on YouTube.

But ease of use does not translate into success.  

Facebook is the social media juggernaut, yet market penetration is notoriously low for all but the biggest of brands. Wit and wisdom both fly by at the speed of other people's typing.

So yes, it's remarkably easy to create a professional platform that will showcase your expertise. Maintaining it, erecting the scaffolding that will bolster that platform so it can stand above the dross sweeping at its foundation, that takes effort.

In this session, Paul Venderley, the Social Media Coordinator for ATD-Orange County, will address the purpose of what's rapidly becoming a sliver of the social media universe: LinkedIn and Facebook, and challenge how we can create a brand that engages the community. Tangents in our conversation may prompt us to peek into a few other resources, such as Twitter, Google Plus (yes, that adventitious network) and YouTube. From there, we'll discuss where to focus your social media efforts and why. We'll discuss the strategies used by ATD-OC to engage its community and explore their effectiveness.

About the Presenter:
Paul Venderley, Instructional Designer for Orora North America, was the 2015 Recipient of the LearnX Gold Award for Rapid Authoring.

He designs innovative training interventions using a wide spectrum of facilitation techniques. Paul designs and facilitates instructor-led training for classroom and web presentations as well as, creating self-paced training that blends learner-led activities with eLearning modules.

As a proven designer of innovative learning interventions, his style focuses on interactivity, engagement, and a focus on closing performance gaps.

Paul Venderley has been the ATD-OC Social Media Coordinator since January 2015.


10:00 to 12:00    Meeting

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