Change Leadership SIG ~ Getting Change to Stick When Employees Are Bombarded with Change

  • 10/10/2017
  • 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Webster University, 32 Discovery, Irvine CA 92618


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Does your organization have siloed business units that are aiming at the same thing but dissipating their effectiveness by not doing it the same way? And even if you can get them to focus on the same thing, how do you avoid it becoming the proverbial flavor-of-the-month?

Join us as Kopitzee Parra-Thorton, Director of Organization Effectiveness at Mission Hospital, tells us how she built a cross-functional change initiative and integrated it into the culture to improve the patient experience and sustain the behavioral change.

This program will help you improve your ability to:

  • Bring siloed groups together to focus on one goal
  • Hardwire new behaviors through accountability
  • Sustain change through simple tracking and feedback

Our program includes a broad overview and discussion of one change model, a presentation and discussion of the Young’s Market case study, and an opportunity to interact with others who are learning about and implementing organizational change.

Yeah, that’s a lot for 90 minutes, so bring your A-game and come prepared to participate!


Contact SIG Co-Leaders, Denise Lamonte (714-342-9733;, Susmitha Valvekar ( or Jason Galeener

About our presenter:

Kopitzee Parra-Thorton ,PhD, is the Director of Patient Experience and Organization Effectiveness at Mission Hospital.   Her expertise is in human capital strategies, one-on-one coaching, custom designed programs, team building, organizational effectiveness, and change management.  As a consultant-coach she provides high-impact solutions and support to clients to achieve success through fully customized strategies. She is driven to build people capabilities and catalyze team potential in support of business objectives. 


8:15 AM      Arrival and informal networking

8:20 AM      Introduction and Structured Networking

8:40 AM      Presentation

9:25 AM      Personal application

9:30 AM      Close


Contact SIG Co-Leaders, Denise Lamonte 714-342-9733 or, Susmitha Valvekar, or Jason Galeener

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