OC February Chapter Learning Event: The Power of Experiential Learning

  • 02/26/2014
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • DoubleTree Club Hotel, 7 Hutton Centre Dr., Santa Ana, CA


  • Register by noon on the Monday before the meeting to receive the early registration rate. NOTE: Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Members can only register other members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For members of ASTD-LA, ASTD-SD, ASTD-IE ISPI-OC and ISPI-LA
  • For members of ASTD-LA, ASTD-SD, ASTD-IE ISPI-OC and ISPI-LA
  • Early registration rate ends at midnight the Tuesday before the meeting. Non-members can only register other non-members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Non-members can only register other non-members under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • Early registration rate ends at midnight the Tuesday before the meeting. NOTE: Students can only register other Students under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.
  • For registrations after earlybird pricing ends and walkins. Students can only register other Students under the same registration. If you want to register a different member type, please start another registration.

Pre-registration is now closed, but we welcome walkins.

Experience is a powerful teacher.  Research shows that adult learners filter new information through their own experiences. This is a challenge for any L&D professional.  Simply providing new information does not lead to sustained behavior change. Any investment in training must impact business outcomes through behavior change. 

Real behavior change requires knowledge, skill and conviction. All three must be present, working together.  Conviction links knowledge to skill and empowers new behavior. To have conviction adult learners must first successfully experience the new behavior either in real life or in a simulated environment. Experiential learning exposes growth opportunities in individuals and organizations in a way that creates sustained behavior change. Great experiential learning then bridges the gap between theory and practice building conviction for new behaviors. During this interactive learning session L&D professionals will learn:

  • Why experiential learning is critical to the success of adult learning
  • The brain science behind the power of experiential learning
  • The key models for experiential learning
  • The application of experiential learning to real L&D challenges
  • Connect with the power of experiential learning by participating in a live experience

Who should attend?

  • Corporate Trainers
  • Learning and Development Professionals
  • Curriculum Designers
  • Training and OD Managers
  • Learning Consultants

About the Presenter: Michael Torrie is VP, Business Development for Eagle’s Flight in Orange County. Michael’s energetic style invites audience response and participation. He uses experiential learning tools to generate new thinking that changes behavior.  Michael’s diverse clients include American Honda, Beats by Dr. Dre, the Central Intelligence Agency and Pizza Hut.

This topic aligns with ASTD competencies of Industry Knowledge, Performance Improvement, Instructional Design, Training Delivery, and Learning Technologies.

To find out more about the ASTD Competency Model, visit http://www.astd.org/Certification/Competency-Model.

Take your knowledge to a new level and get access to exclusive info about the Competency Model for ASTD National members by becoming a Power Member (member of the Orange County Chapter and National). Find out more here.

About Registration:

Earlybird registration ends at noon on the Monday before the meeting.

For evening meetings: Pre-registration closes at noon on the day of the meeting, but walkins are welcome.

For lunch meetings: Pre-registration closes at noon on the day before the meeting, but walkins are welcome.

Cancellation/refund deadline is noon on the Monday before the meeting. No shows will be charged in full.

Upcoming events


ATD events are accessible to all participants. If you have questions or require special accommodations or auxiliary aid related to a disability for you to participate in the event, please notify us at least three weeks in advance by message to ocoffice@atdoc.org outlining your needs and request for accommodation.

We will make every effort to work with you to accommodate your need.

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