Chapter Connections

Welcome to Chapter Connections, your Community Hub for everything related to our Chapter's journey. More than just a space for reading, it's where you'll find the heartbeat of our community—connecting you to the insights, stories, and opportunities that empower your professional development.

  • 09/08/2011 3:48 PM | Rhonda Askeland
    Fall brings us the start of school, the changing of seasons (although, given our recent heat wave, you wouldn’t know it in Southern California), and the ASTD-OC elections.  Elections will conclude September 30th and the 2012 ASTD-OC Board of Directors will be announced in October.  The slate of candidates is impressive and I hope you take a moment to learn more about the potential leaders of our chapter.

    The current Board of Directors have laid great track for the coming years.  We’ll be able to advance on the strategic imperatives of 2011 with several current board members up for re-election leading the way.  A quick update on those who are up for re-election who have served on the board in 2011:

    • ·         Kathleen Ashelford has been our technology guide (with Past-President Paul Venderley by her side) and her experience and skills will help us meet the ever-changing technology demands.
    • ·         Damion Donaldson has been the Co-VP of Programs (with Emily Newton) and will be overseeing all learning programs in 2012. He is adding the Special Interest Groups area and the Continuing Education programs.
    • ·         Kathy Randle is continuing on in her role as VP of Finance.  Kathy has helped the chapter work toward a balanced budget and her experience in 2011 will provide valuable insights to the chapter’s financial health.
    • ·         Linda Huey returns to the board in a different role.  Linda has been the VP of Volunteers and will be assisting the board in 2012 as the Secretary.  Linda’s knowledge of the chapter will be an asset to providing the process and document detail.

    We are fortunate to round out the board with Jolynn Atkins as the VP of Marketing candidate and Carol Adams as the VP of Membership candidate.  Both women bring skills, passion, and experiences that will benefit the chapter greatly.  I encourage you to take time to learn more about them and meet them at the Chapter Learning Event on September 28th.

    As with all types of elections, this is your time to let your voice be heard.  I encourage you to learn about the candidates, submit additional nominations of people (you included) you know would be an asset to our team and to our chapter.  You will find election links on the home page.  Thank you in advance for a few minutes of your time to vote!


    Rhonda Askeland


  • 09/05/2011 11:04 PM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)

    "May I ask a question?" asked a Board member. "Was this a big deal? Did a lot of people express disappointment that the Picnic didn't happen this year? Why would we share this?"

    The Board member was talking about a "lessons learned" article written by Damion Donaldson after the cancellation of this year's ASTD Southern California Family Picnic.  Damion had taken on the responsibility of coordinating the event with the ASTD-LA chapter, and had found the coordination spin out of control.  In response, Damion offered to share with the Board the lessons he learned from the experience. When he completed his introspective study, he opted to share his findings with the Chapter membership.
    In doing so, Damion captures the spirit of ASTD-Orange County.  I've often shared that this is a community of practice, an organization in which all those who participate get the chance to experience new things, successes and failures, and to learn from them.  By taking part in this "lessons learned" exercise, Damion shows us all that there is no such thing as a complete failure, if one is willing to learn from it.

    This brings to mind a quote from Al Franken:
    "Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from."

    Damion's findings are applicable to any individual planning an event, be it a pilot training session or an all-hands meeting. Learn more in this month's OrangeSpiel Online.

  • 08/30/2011 1:12 PM | Deleted user
    Please go to to register.

    Career Management SIG: Building your Training Portfolio
    When:  Sept 10, 2011 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
    Location: Brandman University, 16355 Laguna Canyon Rd., Irvine, CA, Room 120
    Contact : Christine Kelly,

    This meetup will help training professionals who are looking to polish their portfolio and skills as well as those in transition and looking for their next opportunity.

    Training and Technology SIG: Training in the Electronic Age
    When: Sep 13, 2011  4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    Location: Escoe Bliss Professional Resources, 16520 Bake Parkway, Suite #155, Irvine, CA 92618.   **If you can't make the session live, register to attend virtually.
    Contact : Pamela Coca,

    Speaker: Michael Hamilton - VP, Product Management- Madcap Software
    In this presentation Mr. Hamilton will identify the equipment necessary to produce a professional broadcast experience or recording. The benefits, drawbacks, and differences between live screen-casting / web conferencing vs. recorded electronic training will be explored. Mike will share a collection of “lessons learned” and best practices to help the new online instructor avoid the typical beginner mistakes and look like a screen-casting professional right from the start.
    When SMART Goals Aren't Enough -- OD SIG Meetup
    When: Sep 13, 2011 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
    Location: Brandman University, 16355 Laguna Canyon Rd., Irvine

    We are pleased to announce Tom Porter, Director of Human Resources for Kawasaki.  The title of his presentation is "When Smart Goals Aren't Enough".  You will find out how Tom and his team improved the goal setting process to ensure alignment across the organization.

  • 08/28/2011 2:22 PM | Denise Lamonte
    It is with great delight I announce that Carol Adams has agreed to serve our chapter as Membership Manager.
    A new member herself, Carol will be focusing on creating an on-boarding process for new members. This will ensure that new members are welcomed and oriented to all of our services as well as begin to feel like a part of our professional community soon after they become members.
    Thank you to Carol for volunteering her time and creativity. 
  • 08/25/2011 3:24 PM | Denise Ross-Admin (Administrator)
    It is with great sadness that we share that Rich Wong died on Sunday evening of stage 3 cancer, while surrounded by his family. He was 72.


    Rich was a long-time member and active supporter of the ASTD-Orange County Chapter, and held several board positions, including President in 2006. He was a regular attendee at meetings until he moved to Northern California last year.


    We received the following funeral details from his children, Nicole & Scott: 


    Dad will be laid to rest with his family in Los Angeles. Please feel free to pass this along to any friends or family. 


    When:Saturday, August 27, at 12:30 pm
    Where: Church of the Hills, Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills
    Address: 6300 Forest Lawn Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068


    In lieu of flowers, please make a gift to the National Urban League. Dad's first job after graduation was running the Urban League's work experience program for disadvantaged youth in San Diego.
  • 08/24/2011 6:47 PM | Deleted user

    If you attend only one training event this year, it should be The Total Trainer Program!  I am speaking both as a previous participant and as the Program Manager last year.  I first attended the Total Trainer Program in 1992 (yes, it’s been around at least that long!) early in my career as a Trainer.  It was the best gift I gave to myself!  Then, in 2010, as a new member of ASTD-OC, I volunteered my time as Program Manager.  While the content has evolved over time to ensure it keeps pace with industry best practices, the program has the same high-quality instructors as it did 19 years ago.  This highly interactive program gives participants hands-on experience in designing, developing, and delivering a training module in the topic of their choice.  The delivery of the team project is the capstone session, and it's very fun to participate in each team’s module.  Whether a new or seasoned trainer, you'll walk away with new skills and experiences that make a difference in your career, not to mention the networking, friendships, and new colleagues that enhance your life. 

  • 08/22/2011 8:47 AM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)

    ASTD-Orange County's strategic partner, Brandman University, has released their Fall 2011 Leadership Services schedule.

    Utilizing data-driven curriculum, an experiential learning environment, and instructors with solid business backgrounds and significant leadership experience, the Brandman University Leadership Services Program equips existing and emerging leaders to maximize performance and deliver immediate results. By incorporating industry best practices with a strong academic foundation, leaders develop the skills necessary to improve their organization’s performance, as well as their own professional capabilities.

    Learn more! View the Brandman University flyer.

  • 08/09/2011 1:58 PM | Kathleen Ashelford
    I took this course a couple of years ago, and am so glad to learn ASTD OC is offering this excellent series again in September. You will learn from recognized leaders in Southern California’s Learning and Development community about a range of topics including active learning exercises, best practices in facilitation, and use of storytelling in training. Most important, though, is the fellowship with other professionals who are passionate about lifelong learning. I came away with new skills, lots of ideas, and a larger network of contacts. I recommend it to everyone in the field, new or experienced. 
  • 08/02/2011 4:12 PM | Rhonda Askeland

    This time of year reminds me of the Uncle Sam posters, “I Want YOU” and the chapter’s pursuit of chapter leaders and volunteers.  Of course, we aren’t drafting anyone and the experience of working on the board and with the chapter provides learning opportunities, leadership growth, and satisfaction in helping people throughout the chapter.

    August is “Nomination Month” and we are in the process of taking nominations for the various board roles.  We have restructured the board and have seven board roles up for election:

    • President-elect – assists the President in managing the chapter and preparation to lead the chapter in 2013
    • Secretary – oversees compliance and prepares and submits chapter documentation
    • VP Finance – oversees financial operation and prepares and submits budget and financial reports
    • VP Marketing – leads teams to coordinate all marketing and communication activities
    • VP Membership – leads teams to coordinate all membership activities
    • VP Programs – leads teams that coordinate all professional development activities
    • VP Technology – leads teams that coordinate all technology activities

    We have contacted a number of people and have begun to accept nominations.  The nomination process concludes August 26th with the election process beginning September 1st and concluding September 30th.

    Has a specific area always interested you?  Do you know someone who would be good in a role?   There are many roles that help the chapter.  Your commitment can be minimal, based on the time you have available, or more comprehensive, if your schedule allows.  Would you like to help the chapter, just not in a board position?  There are various ways to support the chapter in roles outside of the board.  Contact us and we'll answer any questions you may have.

    Shortly, you will receive a nomination form.  We will also post the nomination form on the new website.  Take a few minutes and reflect on a role for yourself or a role that may be good for a colleague, a direct report, or a professional you may know.

    Here are a few ways to contact touch us:

    We definitely “Want YOU” and look forward to seeing how we might work together.


    Rhonda Askeland, President-elect


  • 07/26/2011 9:46 AM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)
    You may have received your OrangeSpiel in the mail last week, and you may have noticed the announcement that this will be the last print edition of our Chapter newsletter.  Our final OrangeSpiel was a labor of love, with multiple Board Members -- past and present -- contributing, editing, proofing, and working hard to ensure its excellence.  It is therefor with utter mortification that I acknowledge that not one of us realized we omitted the Vice President of Volunteers from the Leadership Index.

    Linda Huey has served as your Vice President of Volunteers for a little over a year now, having taken on the role mid-term in 2010.  Hers is a consultative role. All Board members collaborate with her to:
    1. identify gaps in their teams that need to be filled
    2. identify the skills a volunteer would need to succeed in those open positions
    3. identify that strengths a volunteer would build within each open position
    4. recognize and reward the best among our community who are making ASTD-Orange County strong
    Throughout her tenure, Linda Huey's dedication to her role as Vice President of Volunteers has been unmatched. We apologize for this unintended omission, as Linda is an integral member of the ASTD-Orange County Board.

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